Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Smart Things to Do With Your Extra Student Loan Money

Before you spend that extra student loan money on new clothes or dinner out, consider these smart money moves first.

Eight Natural Ways to Make Water More Flavorful

The main reason that people don't drink water is that it is tasteless and not very "fun" to drink. On the other hand, water is considered more healthy than sodas so

How to Talk to Mom and Dad About Their Money

Give Dad and Mom the gift of knowing you're ready to help them weather whatever life throws their way.

5 Ways to Say "No" to Friends and Family

It's not always easy to say no to the people you love. Reclaim your time while keeping your relationships with these five ways to say "nay."

The 5 Best Sites to Sell Your Arts and Crafts

If you have the knitting needle knack or the tablesaw talent, earn extra cash from your crafty skills by selling your stuff online. Here's where.

How to Buy a Campervan and Travel Across the U.S.

Considering a life on the road? This guide will show you how to buy a campervan and travel across the U.S. with it.

How to Use Credit Cards to Improve Your Credit Score

There's no mystery to building a good credit score, but you do need to follow a few simple rules with your credit cards.

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Ask for a Raise

You may want (and deserve!) a big raise, but before you ask your boss, you should ask yourself some key questions.

Our Worst Financial Mistakes and What You Can Learn From Them

Wise Bread bloggers share their worst financial mistakes. Hopefully, wherever you may be in your living-large journey, you can learn from us.

7 Affordable Destinations for Nature Lovers

You don't need to drain your budget to enjoy a beautiful vacation in the great outdoors. Get out there!

What's To Love About Kmart

Kmart isn't perfect. Compared to its mass-merchant counterparts, its merchandise selections are generally slimmer and prices higher. And, its retail execution can be sloppy (appare

How the Risk Averse Can Get Into the Stock Market

Investing is not without risk. But that doesn't mean you should be afraid of investing altogether.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Get Rid of Your Unwanted Stuff?

Tell us how you get rid of your unwanted stuff and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Money Moves Every Single Parent Should Make

Raising a kid by yourself takes strength, resilience, and perhaps most importantly, a solid financial footing.

How to Shower Less (and Still Feel Clean)

Whether you're traveling or trying to save money or water, showering less doesn't have to mean forgoing hygiene.

The 6 Absolute Worst Ways to Cash In Your Travel Points

Before you cash in your travel points on a whim, make sure you're getting the best value for them.

The 12 Best Weekend Activities for Introverts

Enjoy your weekend the wallflower way, no party animal antics required. What are your solo plans for the weekend?

How Emergency Medical Coverage Could Save Your Vacation

Travel insurance through a credit card can help protect your trip, but will it protect you if you face pricey medical bills abroad?

10 Important Signs That Your Job Sucks

As someone who has had to make the decision to leave more than one lousy job, here's my 10 signs for knowing when to leave. I don't take the decision to quit lightly, and I don't t

10 Ways to Combat "Impostor Syndrome"

Impostor syndrome — that feeling of being a fake in high stakes social situations — often stands in the way of success. Don't let it.