Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Money Lessons We Can Learn From the Easter Bunny

He's big. He's got floppy ears. And he gives away candy. But can this beloved character offer real life money lessons, too?

Best Money Tips: Ways for Families to Save in September

Today we found some amazing articles on ways for families to save in September, financial steps to a rich life, and turning financial disaster into financial independence.

Best Money Tips: Help Your Marriage Survive a Startup

Today, we share what it takes to hold a marriage together when one spouse is starting a new business, easy ways to save money at airports, and tips for using Google Analytics.

Save Money with a Dependent Care Tax Credit and FSA

If you pay for day care or other services, you may be able to save thousands with an FSA, the Child and Dependent Care Credit, or both.

11 Things That Should Never Cost More Than $99

Don't go wasting your hard-earned Benjamins on things that should cost less than $100.

8 Meatless Complete Proteins That Will Help You Lose Weight

Meatless Mondays are a great way to save money and improve your diet. Add these complete veggie proteins for even better health and fitness.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Event Tickets

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save money on event tickets, how to fall back in love with your job, and free things to do this year.

Best Money Tips: Unusual Uses For Soap

Today we found some awesome articles on unusual uses for soap, last minute tax filing tips, and how to earn more in less time.

Free Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day

Making your mother feel appreciated shouldn't mean buying lots of stuff. Discover scores of free (or almost free) ways to celebrate that special lady.

6 Twitter Updates That Are Making You Look Dumb

Twitter allows you to share your wit and wisdom with the world. Which is great, until you commit one of these wince-worthy twitter-gaffes.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money on School Supplies

Today we found articles on ways to save on school supplies, how to avoid overspending on upsells, and what to do if your brakes go out.

Accounts Receivable: An Unlikely Source of Cash

You can't spend the money that your clients promise you until you actually receive payment, but that doesn't mean that accounts receivable can't be a source of cash in the short

Best Money Tips: Simple, Easy Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on simple and easy ways to eat healthy on a budget, how to succeed even when you fail, and ways to save money without trying much.

Managing Employees Who Irritate Others

Even the most sophisticated and well-meaning people can bring quirky behaviors to the workplace.

Best Money Tips: 15 Ways to Reinvent Yourself

Today we found some great articles on ways to reinvent yourself, things you shouldn’t put in your compost pile, and frugal tips that may not be so frugal after all.

What’s Tax Deductible for Your Next Business Trip?

The IRS have set out some pretty specific guidelines as to what's tax deductible for your next business trip.

5 Ways Environment Can Impact Health Insurance Costs

No matter what type of business you run, there may be opportunities to improve the work environment — the decrease the cost of health insurance.

Best Money Tips: Ways You're Being Tricked to Spend More

Today we found some great articles on the ways you’re being tricked into spending more, how to decorate on a budget, and the ways your employer can help you save money.

Last-Minute Business Tax Deductions for 2010

Financial professionals share the best ways to take advantage of great tax deductions before the year's end.

7 Times Buying Generic Will Cost You

For many products, generic or store-brand options are good buys. But for these products, you're better off sticking with a trusted brand name.