Military families can get special benefits from credit cards, such as waived annual fees. Check out these great cards for service men, women, and their families.
Today we found articles on life-changing habits to get more done, what to pack for a long trip, and how to get rid of old furniture and other large trash items.
If you thought those Nigerian scammers could not sink any lower, think again. It was reported today by WTAE.TV that there's a new scam making the rounds, and this time the scammers are praying on the good nature of pet lovers.
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
The Process for Purchasing a House With Cash
Last year, one Wise Bread writer and her husband purchased a property with cash. That's right — cash. Here's the process they went through.
The Money Trail
What were your best and worst financial decisions this year? Sarah Winfrey shares hers.
5 Things in Your Garage That Have Serious Re-Sale Value
Wait, don't throw that out! Your old garage dust-collectors might be worth some decent coin.
6 Ways Your Pet Can Earn a Paycheck
Raising a fur baby isn't cheap, but if you're clever, your pet can pay you back in spades.
What I Wish I Had Known When I Started Living Frugally
It's always easier to know what to do in hindsight. But whether you're a frugal newbie or old pro, these are great reminders.
The 5 Best Concealers
A good concealer will hide imperfections without foundation or heavy makeup, and that's why we've uncovered these five best for you to consider!
7 Signs You're Working for an Impossible Boss
Whether your boss is a tyrant or a poor listener, these management types are never fun to deal with. How impossible is your boss?
Save $100s Next Month With These 10 Grocery Shopping Tips
Slow your spendthrift ways with this grocery budget challenge — it will keep both your pantry and your wallet well-stocked!
5 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home
It’s sooo tempting to succumb to distractions working from home — but don’t! Try these tricks for staying focused and on task.
Have Coupon, Will Travel: Apps to Save on the Go
Always forget to clip coupons? Just carry your phone and use these apps to save money on everything from food to clothes to entertainment and more.
The 5 Best Measuring Cups
No kitchen should be without a good measuring cup or two or three. These five best choices will have you baking and mixing like a pro.
What to Do When a Creditor Sues
When a creditor takes you to court your best defense is preparation.
Save $5 or more on your Verizon wireless bill
You can lower your cell phone bill by moving your cell phone to a state with lower taxes (unless, of course, you already live in said state).
Sock It to Me: 15 Uses for Old Socks
Don't send your single socks to the big laundry basket in the sky! Instead, repurpose them with these 15 useful ideas.
This Is What Your Resume Should Include in 2018
If it's time to update your resume, make sure you're updating more than just the dates.
The Best Credit Cards For Military Personnel and Families
Military families can get special benefits from credit cards, such as waived annual fees. Check out these great cards for service men, women, and their families.
Possible Backlash Against Cheap Imports?
Is there a backlash against cheap Chinese imports coming? I, for one, secretly hope so. We've known that it can't last forever, haven't we? [more]
Best Money Tips: Make Collecting Pay Off
Today we found some great articles on making collecting pay off, retiring without sacrificing fun, and saving money on family summer vacations.
Best Money Tips: Life-Changing Habits to Get More Done
Today we found articles on life-changing habits to get more done, what to pack for a long trip, and how to get rid of old furniture and other large trash items.
Pet lovers beware - there's a new scam in town.
If you thought those Nigerian scammers could not sink any lower, think again. It was reported today by WTAE.TV that there's a new scam making the rounds, and this time the scammers are praying on the good nature of pet lovers. [more]