Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Times You Shouldn't Rush to Pay Off Your Mortgage

Every homeowner dreams of owning their home free and clear. Before you rush to pay that mortgage down, consider what else your money might do.

8 Quick Dinners for Lazy Cooks

Who has the gumption to make dinner? Even the laziest of home cooks can prep one of these fast, easy, and delicious recipes that feed a household.

The Best Way to Freeze Produce and Meat

Pinch pennies while doing your part to stop food waste. Learn how to freeze everything from cheese to fruit.

7 Things I'd Love to Change About Meetings

We can't rid the world of meetings, but we can make them shorter, painless, and more effective with these 7 great tips.

Help Your Teenager Earn Their First Million

As adults, how many times have you wished you had invested money as a teenager or young(er) adult? We're all aware of the power of compounding interest, and the idea that starting

The 5 Best Dishwashing Detergents

If you're sick of water spots and grime that just won't come off, switch to one of these great dish detergents.

What You Need to Know About HOAs

Living in an HOA has its pros and cons. Here's what to consider before you move in.

The 5 Best Dehumidifiers

A dehumidifier helps you beat back mildew and musty air -- find out which brands and models are worth adding to your shopping list.

Do This If You Have Too Much Credit Card Debt

Step one? Stop digging! Step two? Develop smart spending and saving habits, like these, to get on top of your debt — and stay there.

Software review: TurboTax

I wasn't looking forward to doing my taxes this year.  They were going to be more complicated than in years past, because I left my regular job and started working full-time as

Your Interest Rates Are About to Go Up

Have good credit? A low APR on your credit cards? Always pay your bills on time? That's not going to stop your credit card company from jacking up your rate whenever they feel like

The 5 Best Surround Sound Speakers

If you're saving money by watching movies at home, make your home entertainment system extraordinary with these surround sound speakers.

Why the Affordable Home Really Isn't

I've taken a look at home affordability calculators that are available from many reputable sites offering personal finance advice. "Affordability" is based on bank lending guidelin

Beware of Phony Census Workers

This year the United States Census Bureau will be conducting its regularly scheduled census. Every address in the United States will receive a census form and census workers will b

25 Dumb Habits That Are Keeping You in Debt

Struggling with debt? It's probably because you've made one (or more!) of these money behaviors a bad habit. Learn what they are and how you can change.

8 Frugal Destinations for a Dreamy Winter Getaway

Those first few flecks are wonderful, but snow gets cold and miserable fast. Escape the chill in these sunny locales that won't scorch your budget.

12 Smart Ways to Score Hamilton Tickets

The Broadway smash has finally hit the road, but scoring Hamilton tickets hasn't gotten any easier. Here's how to get yours.

The 8 Worst Home Sale Horror Stories

Buying or selling a house is rarely easy, but these eight home sales turned into actual home sale horror shows.

Don't Forget to Budget for These Unexpected Moving Expenses

Whether across the town or across the country, moving has tons of expenses. Don't get blindsided by these surprise costs.

Top Three Tax Facts to Know for 2016

Hasn't tax day already come and gone? Yes, but it's never too early to start worrying about next year's taxes.