Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 20+ Ways to Get Paid for Watching TV

Today we found articles on ways to get paid to watch TV, small financial changes that have a big impact, and facts about Social Security benefits that Baby Boomers should know.

The 5 Best Mountain Bikes

Riding through tough mountain terrain isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these mountain bikes and your ride will be endlessly fun -- and for under $350.

This Is Why You Can't Postpone Planning for Your Retirement (And How to Start)

Only one person is responsible for your retirement plan — you. Find out how you can take charge with these simple steps.

How to Navigate 4 Tricky Family Money Situations

Mixing money matters and family dynamics can make gatherings more awkward than usual. Learn to manage both for happier finances and family.

Dads Who Do Dishes Raise Ambitious Daughters (and 4 Other Ways Any Parent Can Help Their Kid Succeed)

A recent study found that daughters of fathers who help with household chores are more ambitious. Try more ways to encourage children to aim high.

10 Things You Don't Actually Need to Buy for Your New Baby (Plus 5 You Must)

It's tempting to fill up a baby registry with all sorts of newborn gear. Resist the urge and focus on stuff you'll really use.

5 Money Lessons People Learn at Their First Job

A first job teaches plenty about getting and keeping a job. A first paycheck teaches us a few things about getting and keeping money, too.

Affordable Sustainable Seafood Choices for Your Table

For those who love seafood but also want to be mindful of the environment and their wallets, here are some affordable and sustainable seafood choices.

Best Money Tips: How to Drive More Efficiently

Today we found some great articles on ways to drive more efficiently, how to follow up without being pushy, and why positive thinking sucks.

8 Ways Your Customer Service Job Can Help You Win at Life

Next time you're feeling fed up with your service industry gig, just remember — it's making you a better person.

Bad Credit? It Might Cost You Your Marriage

Your perfect partner is smart, funny, attractive. What more could you want from them? Add this to your list: a good credit score.

4 Pet Expenses That Aren't Worth It

Our pets bring us lots of love — and lots of expense, some of it wasteful. Get a handle on your budget by eliminating these unnecessary pet costs.

Investing in Web Security

What would happen if you lost the data on your business's computer system or if it was hacked? Small businesses need to recognize the cost of not properly addressing web securit

How I Still Make Money with eBay

The glory days of eBay might be over, but there are still profits to be had. Learn the tricks to making money in the new eBay era.

8 of the Most Costly New Year's Eve Parties Ever

A New Year's Eve bash generally involves some excess — too much food, too much drink, and too much money. Sometimes, way, way too much money.

How to Save on School Supplies Without Going Crazy

You can get everything on your kid's school-supply list for cheap, and you don't even need to run all around town to find the best deals. Here's how.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Baby Expenses

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save on baby expenses, being smart about buying daily deals, and how to save money buying a used car.

5 Money Mistakes Couples Who Live Together Might Make After a Breakup

Breaking up is hard to do. When money is involved, it's even harder.

Why This Thing in Your Wallet Is Almost Useless Today

Travelers checks were once a staple for safe spending abroad. Today, they are mostly obsolete — here's why it's okay to leave home without them.

How to Maximize the Value of Your Frequent Flier Miles

Not all airline miles are created equal. Make sure you're squeezing every cent out of your miles by following these tips.