Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Expenses to Ditch After Age 30

Thirty is just a number, but there are several types of expenses that we should probably ditch upon hitting the Big 3-0.

How to Split Food Expenses With a Significant Other

One of the bread-and-butter issues couples have to figure out when moving in together? Who pays for the bread and butter.

The game of Haggling: How to Get a Great Deal on a Used Car

Getting a great deal on a used car is easy if you know how. Here are 9 tips from a frugal family on how to get the most out of your car-buying dollars.

6 Ways Life Is Better With Good Credit

Better credit can lead to a better life in more ways than one.

Need to Sell Your House? Here's How to Let Go

Selling your home is more than just signing on a dotted line. You have to find emotional closure, too.

12 Affordable Ingredients that Add Gourmet Flair to any Meal

Here is an expert list of a dozen common ingredients that will add some flair to your dish — for less than you'd expect.

7 Social Situations All Introverts Fear

Crowded places, watchful eyes, chatty strangers — these are the introvert's worst social nightmares. Here's how to soldier through.

15 Ways to Save Money When Getting Your Drink On

A night out at the bar can be a costly way to unwind. Here's how to do it on the cheap.

5 Countries Where You Can Retire for $1,000 a Month

Low cost-of-living is the name of the game in these beautiful countries where you can retire for less than $1,000 per month.

3 Online Affiliate Programs That Can Make You Extra Cash

Looking for ways to bring in some extra cash? These affiliate programs might be the answer.

6 Items You Need to Be Prepared to Replace

Looking to upgrade your appliances and furniture? Here's when to do it.

10 New Podcasts That'll Improve Your Money Mindset

Love tuning in to podcasts? Add these 10 to your to-listen list for a better money mindset.

What Really Happens When You Don't Pay Your Student Loans

Student loans can be a heavy financial burden even in the best of times. If you don't pay them, things will only get worse.

10 Most Breathtaking Day Hikes in the U.S.

Make sure your travel bucket list includes these thrilling and majestic hiking spots across the U.S.

Is It Time to See a Marriage Counselor About Your Money Problems?

If you can't stop fighting over money, it might be time to see a marriage counselor.

This Is What Your Resume Should Include in 2018

If it's time to update your resume, make sure you're updating more than just the dates.

25 Ways to Lower Your Grocery Bill

Combine a few of these 25 surefire grocery shopping tricks, and you'll experience substantial savings — while still eating healthy, delicious food.

Create a Reverse Bucket List to Improve Your Money Management

A "reverse bucket list" — a running tally of all the wonderful things you've already accomplished — can be the perfect personal finance motivator.

25 Frugal Items for Your Organic Vegan Grocery List

It's easy to spend a lot when going vegan or vegetarian. But by shopping smarter and choosing the right pantry items, a healthy diet doesn't have to be harmful to your wallet.

How to Save Big on Indoor and Outdoor Greenery

Plants bring the beauty of nature into your home, but costs can add up. Here's how to keep your budget in the black when planting more green.