Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Travel Across the U.S. on a Budget

You don't need to be a millionaire to see the best sights America has to offer. In fact, you can travel across the U.S. on budget and still have a blast.

How to Delegate at Work and at Home in 4 Easy Steps

Delegating may be the busy person's best productivity tool. Learn how to get the results you want while strengthening relationships.

Guide to Buying a Used Car Without Going Crazy

Trying to find a safe and reliable used car made me stressed out for weeks. Here's everything I learned, so hopefully your car buying process will be easier.

5 Budget Destinations Where You Can Learn to Scuba Dive

Scuba diving can be an expensive hobby, but in these five destinations, you can explore the depths of the sea without busting your budget.

How to Be Successful as a First-Time Manager

You climbed the corporate ladder. You're the boss now. Are you prepared to do the job well?

Cut Your Electric Bill With Solar Panels

Solar panels can reduce your electricity bill, increase your home's value, and reduce your carbon cost to the environment. Here's how to get started.

4 Surprising Reasons to Always Use Your Credit Card

Did you know that your credit card has built in protection for your purchases?

Follow These 5 Credit Card Rules When Traveling Abroad

Travel is fun, and if you budget and plan well, it's affordable. Just don't let bad credit card habits eat up all your hard won savings.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Your Phone Bill?

Tell us how you save on your phone bill and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Clear Out Financial Clutter

Any kind of clutter can weigh you down, even financial clutter. So clear it out and get your finances back on track.

Weak Credit? You Can Still Get a Mortgage Despite Tough Lending Standards

Your credit score has seen better days, but that doesn't mean you can't get a mortgage. You have options!

The 5 Best Smart Locks

Smart locks offer convenient and safer options for keeping your home secure. Just use any of these smart locks and you won't need to worry about losing your keys ever again.

The 5 Best Deals in Every Thrift Store

Not all thrift stores are created equal — but if you look for these five things, you'll almost always find a good deal.

Avoid These 7 Things When Living With Roommates

It's not easy making the rent, and for many, roommates are unavoidable. Let's try to make this arrangement as painless as possible, shall we?

Best Kids Eat Free Restaurants

Knock dollars and cents off your tab by eating at one of these restaurants where kids score their meals for free.

20 Free and Fun Ways to Reward Yourself

Reaching goals is often its own reward, but when it isn't, go ahead, do something nice and frugal for yourself.

What to Know When Renting a Moving Truck

Moving is already stressful. When you add in renting a big ol' truck, it can become downright nail-biting. Here's what you should know for your DIY move.

How Parents Save Money at Costco

Raising kids isn’t cheap, but shopping at Costco can help parents cut costs on everything from infant formula to toys.

10 Reasons to Stop Buying Gas Station Food

Put down the Big Gulp and walk away. You're wasting money for the convenience — and who knows where that cup has been?!!

Are You Happy With Your Bank?

The American Customer Satisfaction Index tells us how citizens feel about their banks. But the most important question is, how do you feel about yours?