Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

That "What if you knew you were going to die" question

You've no doubt seen the question in many different forms. Sometimes it's, "What would you do if you learned you were going to die tomorrow?" Other times it's "What would you do

10 Steps to Update Your Look on a Budget

Have nothing to wear? Use this simple plan to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Buy in Bulk

You know buying in bulk is a great way to save. From meat to paint, go beyond warehouse store basics with this collection of bulk buy surprises.

The Enemies of Frugality

Even with the best of intentions, living frugally can be a challenge. Explore the seven nefarious forces that keep us from our frugal goals.

6 Money-Saving Items to Bring On Your Next Cruise

Cruising is an affordable way to travel, but you could save even more if you pack the right gear.

9 Ways Being Too Responsible Can Cost You

It's always smart to do the sensible thing, right? Usually — until being sensible starts costing you real money.

6 Important Credit Card Lessons Your Parents Didn't Teach You

Chances are, your parents didn't pass down these sage pearls of credit card wisdom. It's never too late to learn new credit card tricks.

When Good Food Goes Bad, Part II: Tortillas and Tortilla Chips

Give those stale tortilla chips a second life with this recipe for chilaquiles. Mexican comfort food? Yes, please.

New $100 Bill: Issue Date Set

After years of production problems, the new $100 bill finally has a date of issue — October 8th. Learn what's new and different.

Ask the Readers: Are You a Crafter?

Tell us about your crafts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

6 Tools That Stop Computer Distractions and Help You Stay on Task

Oh, soooo cute! It's a GIF of a kitten playing with a shiny button! Defend your focus and your productivity with this collection of distraction smashers.

6 Ways NOT to Spend Your Credit Card Rewards

Earning credit card rewards is a key benefit of buying with plastic. Just make sure you choose rewards that have all the value you earned!

Do You Know How Dirty Your Money Is?

You use money often, but have you ever considered what kinds of nasty bacteria are living on its surface? The answer is not for the squeamish.

Are You Underpaid? How to Figure Out What Salary You Deserve

How much are you worth? Discover the salary you should really be earning.

Living the Savvy Life: A Review

Whether you're a hardcore budgeter or getting your finances in order for the first time, this book can help you save money — and achieve your goals.

How to Turn Groceries Into Gasoline

Grocery store gas discount programs can be a great way to save money on fuel — if you shop wisely. Learn how to make the most of these discounts.

Stop Making These 10 Bogus Retirement Savings Excuses

Your nest egg needs attention now if you want to ease smoothly into retirement later. No more excuses!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Resolutions for 2014?

Tell us about your 2014 resolutions and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Ways to Generate New Leads for Your Side Business

If you want to start earning good side income, it doesn't make sense to invest money in traditional marketing efforts right away. Here are 7 cheap or free ways you can use to

6 Things You Should Know About Joint Checking Accounts

Joint checking accounts offer plenty of convenience — but if you aren't careful, a few headaches, too.