Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 7 Rules of Budget Travel

Want to save money and protect the environment while on vacation? Get eco-friendly and genuine travel experiences by following these 7 rules of budget travel.

6 Signs a Seller Should Pass on a Home Offer

Selling a home is hard work, but don't just take the first offer that knocks at the door.

10 Kitchen Gadgets That Aren't Worth the Money

The next time you're in the kitchen utensil aisle, resist the urge to buy that strawberry stem remover. You already own a better tool for the job.

9 More Supposedly Healthy Things That Are Actually Hurting You

It seems like health "dos" and "don'ts" change daily. How many of these former "dos" are you still doing?

How to Determine If Your Finances Are Ready for a Big Purchase

A home, a car, the latest pricey gadget — before you commit to buying, you better make sure you can afford such a large purchase.

5 Reasons Why Your Credit Score Dropped Out of the Blue

Not sure why your credit score took a tumble? It might be one of these not-so-obvious reasons.

Frugal Red Herrings: Money-Savers That Cost You in Other Ways

Are your money-saving ways just an illusion? Find out if you're falling prey to these frugal red herrings.

Faster Free Shipping on Amazon With No Minimum Order -- Free Prime Trial

Wouldn't it be nice if you could get (nearly) everything shipped free from Amazon this holiday season? Without having to spend $25? You can -- with a three-month Amazon Prime Free

Gluten-Free, Carb-Free Noodles

Noodles are typically made from wheat or rice, which means carbs and gluten galore. But behold, noodle lovers, there are other (super low-calorie!) noodle options.

8 Giveaways That People Were Just Talking About You

Our ears aren't actually very reliable when it comes to sensing gossip and busybodies. Here's what to look for instead of toasty earlobes.

6 Big Ways ATMs Are Changing

The local ATM you know and love might be changing — for the better! Here's how banks are teaching the venerable ATM some new tricks.

Me too, Secretary Paulson!

Dear Secretary Paulson: I've looked over the fact sheet on the proposal to give the Treasury the authority to purchase "troubled assets," and although I have some doubts about th

3 Smart Ways Young Millionaires Manage Their Money

Even if you aren't lucky enough to be a young millionaire, you can still learn a thing or two about money from the filthy rich under 40 set.

How to Build a Downsized Wardrobe You Love

Maximize your look while minimizing your wardrobe (and spending on clothing) with a few simple rules that match your clothes to your lifestyle.

7 Things Financial Advisers Wish You Knew About Retirement

You don't need a crystal ball to plan your retirement. You just need to listen to your financial adviser.

Micro-Prepping: How to Prepare for Small Disasters

Are you prepared for even a small disaster? Micro-prepping will get you there.

23 Cheap Summer Date Ideas

Romantic dates in the summertime don't have to cost much at all.

How to Buy a New Computer Without Breaking Your Budget

Yes, you can buy a new computer without destroying your budget.

How Small Business Credit Cards Affect Your Personal Credit

Those small business credit card offers sure are tempting. Understand the risks to your personal credit before you sign up.

How to Become a Minimalist With Your Money

Money management have your head in a whirl? Try the minimalist approach instead.