Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Delicious Gifts You Can Bake

Holiday baking is a sweet tradition, and you'll find plenty of traditional holiday baking ideas here, plus a few new ones for some sweet holiday surprises.

8 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help You Declutter

So much clutter is stuff that seems important, but really isn't. Give your things this quiz, and if they don't pass, it's time to let them go.

Which Credit Card Should You Use to Get Free Hotel Stays?

Earning free accommodations has never been easier thanks to co-branded hotel and general travel credit cards. Which is right for you?

11 Sources of Instant Gratification You Can Feel Good About

Scratch your "I want it now!" itch without messing up your long term plans? Yes, you really can have your cake and eat it, too.

8 Signs You Should Quit Your Job

If your job is taking more and more out of you, it may be time to find a new one. Consider these eight signs, and then consider updating your resume.

How One Family Lives Well (And Even Owns a Home) on Just $11 an Hour

Limited income, limited life — right? Wrong. Learn how the Luh family is thriving without a huge paycheck — and you can too.

The 5 Best Cleansing Balms

Maintaining that enviable facial glow isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these cleansing balms and you'll turn heads everywhere you go.

Designing your life

Key decisions that you make—especially when you're young, but also later—have implications that ripple through the whole rest of your life. People treat these early

Six Tips to Good Business Management

You don’t have to be a fortune 500 (or even a fortune 500,000) company to take advantage of these tips for good business practice. In fact, some of the best small businesses hav

6 Things You Need to Know About the New Costco Credit Card

Are you considering the new Costco card? Here's everything you need to know.

Lessons From My Frugal Father

My dad was a child of the Great Depression, and those challenging years solidified a financial philosophy and simple lifestyle that's worth a new look today.

7 Money Lessons We Can Learn From Jay-Z

Jay-Z is one of the wealthiest entertainers in the world, and his latest studio release, 4:44, has some important financial insights.

6 Genius Ways to Stock Up on School Supplies

Buying new calculators and backpacks shouldn't leave you broke. Here's how to cash in on big savings during the back-to-school season.

13 Food Items to Always Buy in Bulk

You don't have to buy everything in bulk to save — who has the space? Just be sure to make room for these staples that are cheaper by the dozens.

8 Ways Being Patient Saves You Money

Patience is a virtue — for your wallet, too. Find out how going zen can save you big time.

How to Become an Expert

This article is not about how to fake being an expert, so it's not some quick, easy thing you can do and then be way better at something tomorrow. It's about actually becoming

How to Find the Best Stuff at HomeGoods

Whether you're a HomeGoods newbie or already love the store, here's how to find the best bargains on the best home furnishings.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Tips for a Frugal Valentine's Day?

Tell us your tips for a frugal Valentine's Day and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Silent Budget Killers You Don't Notice

Wondering where all your money's gone? You spent it when you weren't looking.

4 of the Fastest Ways to Go Broke in Retirement

Retirement should be for relaxing. But if you keep up these four habits, you'll spend your golden years broke.