Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Fabulous Last-Minute Places to Spend New Year's

Looking for a place to ring in the new year? Try these fab destinations.

14 Crock-Pot Dishes to Serve at Your Next Party

Your slow cooker already makes weeknight meals a snap. Why not rely on the same ease and convenience to help you feed your party guests?

How To Choose A Financial Planner - Yes You!

I don't care who you are. (Well, actually I do, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this). What I mean, is I don't care about your background, education, financial prowess, or absolu

5 Perfectly Respectable Uses for Instant Mashed Potatoes

Like most people, I can tell the difference between authentic mashed potatoes, made from fresh spuds, and the dehydrated “flakes” that come in a box. This doesn’t mean that you can

9 Ways to Snag a Bag (For Free!)

Reusable shopping bags are growing in popularity, and while they are a super way to save on plastic, they can be pricey for those of us who lug home two full

20 Unexpected Uses for Tension Rods

Tension rods are great for curtains, but don't stop there. The inexpensive hardware store staple has lots of household uses, from organizing an office to hiding the kids.

6 Simple Financial Upgrades You Can Make During Breakfast

Now you have another reason never to skip breakfast — it's the perfect time to do a little personal finance.

Cut-Rate Condiments: Homemade Mayo

When the price of my beloved Best Foods (also known as Hellman’s, for you folks east of the Rockies) rose to over $6 (30 oz.) here, we switched to a store brand. It was sl

Ask the Readers: What's the Most Valuable Degree? (Chance to win $20)

What do you think would the most valuable degree? Is it even a degree? Maybe it's an apprenticeship or technical training certificate.... Let us know your thoughts in order to

You Can Too: 7 Amazing Things People Have Accomplished in Under a Year

You're capable of more than you think. Don't believe it? Just read what people like you have accomplished in less than a year.

3 Exciting Overseas Winter Vacation Destinations

Looking to book an exciting winter getaway? Look no further than these overseas destinations.

How Much Engagement Ring Can You Actually Afford?

Popping the question can be a pricey prospect. You'll get the "yes" with less stress if you know going in what you should expect to pay.

Why Spending a Little More on a Brand Name can Pay Off

I have always been a fan of buying the less expensive generic version of whatever it is I am in the market for. Running shoes, clothing, electronics, pres

Get Those Omega-3s Without Paying Mega Prices

Omega-3-fortified foods are pricey -- but there are other, cheaper ways to get those very important fatty acids.

A 5-Step Plan to Quitting Your Job

Want to quit your job? If you play your cards right, you can use these steps to turn an awkward situation into a great new career opportunity.

How to Minimize Financial Stress During the Holidays

The holiday season can put a dent in your savings, but it doesn't have to send you into major debt. Here's how to protect your finances from holiday madness.

7 Ways to Sneak More Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule

You are only a few minutes away from a better, healthier you!

14 Secrets to Saving on Eyewear

Get a clear picture on ordering brand-new glasses and contacts from the comfort of home — and save as far as the eye can see.

10 Ways to Get Over Jet Lag and Enjoy Your Trip

Don't let jet lag ruin your vacation! These tricks will have you up and at 'em right from the start of your far away vacay.

We Do the Math: When Is It Worth Hiring Household Help?

Science says having more free time can make you happier. Which household chores will you take off your to-do list?