Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Stocks Warren Buffett Loves — And You Should, Too

Warren Buffett famously takes the long view, investing in firms expected to grow for decades. Are you buying and holding these Buffett picks, too?

12 Great Ways to Eat Bananas

Cheap, healthy, delicious — bananas have it all. Go beyond banana bread and enjoy them sweet and savory, baked, roasted, fried, or whipped.

Free pancakes! At IHOP! On Tuesday!

Get free pancakes on IHOP's National Pancake Day.

3 Life Lessons I've Learned Since Becoming a Parent

For one writer, having her first child hasn't just taught her a lot about parenting — it's also provided some great lessons about life.

Best Money Tips: Discounts for Seniors and Boomers

Today we found articles on discounts for seniors and boomers, tips to help you have it all as a working mom, and how to make the most of your Spring getaway.

10 Keys to Great Management, learned from an inner-city mission worker

When my family and I volunteered at an inner-city agency, I thought I would learn about showing compassion, embracing diversity, and being grateful. The last thing I thought I woul

Canadians are Getting Fleeced by Their Own Dollar

The buck stops here. For the first time in over three decades, the Canadian Dollar has surpassed the U.S. Dollar. And by the end of this year, predictions are that

7 Ways You Can Save $1,000 by Christmas, If You Start Now

Most reach the holiday season with very little money saved but if you start now, you'll have plenty for gifts, and maybe enough for feasts, treats, and a whole lot more!

Finding the Right Job: There’s Plenty of Phish in the Sea

My husband and I are no strangers to the job hunt scene. Before he was even out of college, we were scouring the newspapers, searching the onli

4 Ways Stress Is Killing Your Finances

Stress is one bad, expensive habit. From impulse buys to overindulgence, here’s how stress is killing your finances.

What You Need to Know About Sample Sales

Designers and manufacturers often get stuck with floor samples and returns they need to move. Their headache is your giant savings opportunity.

Ask the Readers: What's the Best Gift to Give a College Graduate?

Tell us what you think the best gift to give a college graduate is and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in August

Hard to believe summer is almost gone — almost as hard to believe as the deals you can find on lawn and garden supplies and LCD TVs.

How to Find Ethically Sourced Products You Can Afford

If the hefty price tag is dampening your enthusiasm for fair trade, get smart about sourcing your ethically produced must haves.

8 Ways You're Being a Terrible Customer

The customer is always right, right? Wrong! Don't be a terrible customer.

8 Spectacular Uses for that Lone Can of Fruit

It doesn’t matter what it is: plums, fruit cocktail, or an awkward can of cranberries – it can sit there for years if not put to a creative use. When pennies must be pinched, the

How to Minimize the Cost of Living When Moving: The Cost of Living Myth

Cost of living is an important consideration when moving to a new location. Nevertheless, there are many false assumptions regarding the cost of living differences.

Gifts For Grads

Around springtime last year, as my niece’s university graduation date loomed, I picked out (but waited to buy) what I thought would be an ideal gift: a watch with her alma mater’s

How to Recycle your Clothes, Shoes, Electronics, and More

We have so much STUFF. Cell phones that don’t work any more. Batteries that won’t charge any more. Shoes that have holes in them. The list goes on. We don’t want to throw this old

You Are Lying to Yourself About Your Money

Most of us agree that other people fail at personal finance, but we think our own finances are fine. That's the first of many lies we tell about our money.