Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 Frugal Items for Your Organic Vegan Grocery List

It's easy to spend a lot when going vegan or vegetarian. But by shopping smarter and choosing the right pantry items, a healthy diet doesn't have to be harmful to your wallet.

How to find the cheapest college textbooks

I’m not in college any more, thank goodness, but I remember every penny-pinching moment. Some days I hardly had enough money for food, mainly because the materials and textbooks I

8 World Currencies That Took a Hit in 2016

In the midst of political uncertainty and economic stress, these eight world currencies took a tumble in '16.

The 5 Best Rain Jackets for Men

With the right outerwear, you can weather any storm. Put on any of these rain jackets for men and you can maintain your busy day without the rain getting in your way.

Should You Refinance Your Student Loan?

Student loan borrowers have lots of repayment options, including a growing number of refinance options. Here's what to look for.

5 Smart Money Moves Your Kids Can Make Over Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is here! Between the ice pops and video games, there are some great opportunities to teach your young ones about money, too.

Are your new tires really 6-year old ticking time-bombs?

Check the tires on your car. How do they look? Plenty of tread, no bald spots, no wear and tear? If that’s the case, you’ve probably got a great set of tires with years of life lef

10 Ways to Reuse Common Household Items

From egg cartons to shower curtains to old socks and more, learn dozens of ways to reuse commonly discarded household items.

10 Financial Perks of Marriage

Have you heard the stories about how finances are one of the leading causes of divorce? What are people arguing about? Being married actually has some pretty good financial perks!

13 Ways to Make a Good First Impression at Your Next Job Interview

You did something right on your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile and landed the interview. Don't blow it know by making a bad first impression.

Vision Boards: Dream Big, Play with Pictures, and Watch your Life Change

Here's a fun exercise the whole family can enjoy in creating your future by playing with pictures.

The 5 Best Running Sunglasses

Finding proper eyewear for running isn't easy, but it can be. Just wear any of these running sunglasses and your peepers will be protected on all your runs.

4 Signs You Should Sell Your Small Business

Your small business is your baby. When is the right time to let it go?

6 Things Buyers Will Hate About Your House

You may love your '90s-chic, paisley-print wallpaper, but potential homebuyers probably will not.

10 Ways to Stop Being Impatient and Live a More Satisfied Life

In our hurry up and wait culture, patience is a virtue. Read on to cultivate your sense of patience, no waiting necessary.

The Pros and Cons of Paying Cash for a House

Just like any financial decision, there are pros and cons to paying cash for a house.

The 5 Best Hair Growth Products for Men

The truth is that science still hasn't found a miracle hair growth serum, but these five hair regrowth products will help men with thinning hair.

Best Money Tips: Best Skills for Making More Money

Today we found articles on the best skills for making more money, how to quit bad money habits that rob you blind, tips for preparing the soil for your vegetable garden.

7 Times to Update Your Homeowners Insurance

You probably haven't looked at your homeowners policy since you bought your house. You might want to; especially if you've made these changes.

5 Ways Life Is Amazing With an 800 Credit Score

A credit score in the 700s is pretty good and the rewards are nice. But for those few who crack 800? The financial world is their oyster.