Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Good Reasons to Become a Contractor

There was a time, not that long ago, in which Americans would graduate from college, get a job, and stick with that job until retirement. For those of us who can risk a little more

Dangerous neighborhoods are safer than commuting

Why do so few people live within walking--or at least bicycling--distance from where they work? I've asked a lot of people this question and gotten a lot of different answers. Some people want big houses, others big lawns. [more]

8 Debt Reduction Mistakes Even Smart People Make

Even the smartest people make mistakes while trying to reduce debt. Don’t be one of them.

Are poor folks and the middle class on the same side?

Rational people try to buy what they need at the cheapest price they can find. There's a contrary argument, though, that holds that it's "shooting themselves in the foot" for poor

Book review: The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It

In the days when self-sufficiency was simply the normal way of things, you'd learn the necessary knowledge and skills from your parents. (And from your grandparents, aunts and

The "marriage penalty" of taxes in America - how does it affect you?

It is tax season again, and it seems that every year the tax code in America gets a little more convoluted. One thing in the tax code that has always annoyed me is something calle

9 Ways to Get Exactly What You Want From Customer Service

Use these Jedi mind tricks to get the best possible results from customer service reps.

10 Summer Foods You Can Make in an Instant Pot

Don't heat up your kitchen this summer. Instead, rely on these summer staples you can make an in Instant Pot.

The Best Online Swap Sites

With so many online swap sites available for the picky trader, there’s no excuse not to start trading your excellent-condition, used items for something of equal value.

6 Ways the Sandwich Generation Can Get Ahead

The Sandwich Generation — those stuck caring for growing kids and aging parents — face big financial challenges. Learn how to survive the squeeze.

6 Ways to Deal When You're Way Behind at Work

Looming deadlines, a 10-mile to-do's time to conquer it all and get back on track at work. You can do it!

When Dropping Your Life Insurance Is the Right Decision

You know how important it is to have life insurance. But when is it OK to drop it?

Urgent Care or ER? How to Decide Where to Go

You're hurt or sick, and you need quick cre. The question is — urgent care or the ER?

Capital One: What’s In Your Envelope?

Just when I thought credit card companies couldn’t get any more wasteful, I received the mother of all credit card offers in the mail. Excited by what I thought was something wort

18 Awesome Things You Can Do This Weekend for Under $10

Looking for fun this weekend but wallet's looking a little thin? No problem, all you need is ten bucks and creative ideas like these.

Travel and Money: Using Prepaid Travel Cards

Prepaid Travel Cards can be a useful — and secure — alternative to debit cards and credit cards, as well as a way to hedge against currency risk.

How to Handle a Massive Medical Bill

Surprise medical bills can torpedo even the most well-planned budget. These simple steps help minimize the financial pain.

Could You Put Away a Million Dollars by Driving a Used Car?

Everyone loves that new car smell. But wouldn't you love saving that money and turning it into a million bucks even more?

5 Everyday Routines of Wealthy People

There's no one trick to becoming fabulously wealthy, but a structured daily routine may be a step in the right direction.

The 10 Best Productivity Apps for Really Busy People Like You

If you have a difficult time remembering everything you have to do, let your smartphone help you stay on track with one of these 10 popular to-do apps.