Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

TurboTax: New features, and a chance to win a copy

The kind folks at Intuit have given us some free copies of TurboTax. I snagged one that I'm going to use to do my taxes, and once I'm done, I'll post a review and tell

4 Secrets to Eating Great Food for Cheap While Traveling

After lodging and airfare, food is the traveler's biggest expense. Cut the cost, eat well, and learn more about your hosts with these travel dining tips.

Make Your Fridge Last (Almost) Forever With These 8 Tips

Take care of your fridge, and it will take care of your food for years and years. Start with these simple refrigerator maintenance tricks.

7 Nice Ways to Tell Your Spendy Friends You're Staying on Budget

Keeping up with your spendy friends gets expensive. Let them know you're on a budget without making a big deal about it.

10 Money Moves You Need to Make Before You Take a Side Job

You've launched your side gig — great! Now get your finances in order so your extra income doesn't become an extra worry.

9 Money Saving Reasons to Buy a Food Dehydrator

Food dehydrators can save you money and time, and are very affordable these days. Here are nine ways a dehydrator can help you stretch your budget

Making Christmas the Smart Way

When I was growing up, I looked forward to the mysterious day that would come anywhere from a month to a couple of weeks before Christmas, when my mom would call us and everyone in

8 Signs the 9-to-5 IS Right for You

Everyone loves to hate on the typical 9-to-5 work schedule, but it might actually be ideal for you.

Would You Accept $200,000 If You Didn't Know Where It Came From?

You know, I hear a lot of people say that frugal people would do anything for dime. Personally, I think that applies more to greedy people, but it got me thinking of a question tha

5 Times It's Okay to Delay Retirement Savings

We'll just about never tell you to put off retirement savings. But in these extreme and temporary instances, it might be okay.

7 Ways to Improve the Life of Your Lawn Mower

If you're sick of struggling with a persnickety lawn mower, don't replace it yet. The answer could be just a little TLC.

9 Money Questions You Should Be Able to Answer by Age 30

You're turning the big 3-0. Do you have the answers to these all-important money questions?

7 Amazon Prime Perks You've Forgotten to Use

Amazon Prime isn't just free two-day shipping. Are you taking advantage of the unlimited photo storage, free video streaming, grocery delivery, and more?

5 Powerful Reasons Companies Should Offer More Wellness Programs to Keep Their Employees Healthier and Happier

Healthy, happy employees are great for the bottom line. Boost morale and productivity with an employer-sponsored wellness program!

10 Companies With the Highest Paid Interns

Not all internships are created equal. While most interns are lucky to get minimum wage, there are some positions that pay the equivalent of a six-figure salary.

Is Unlimited Data Still a Thing?

Ah, remember the time we could get unlimited data on our phone plans? Whatever happened to that?

6 Ways to Travel On a Budget While in Expensive Countries

Just because you're in a pricey location doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune to enjoy it.

18 Free Ways to Be a Better Person

Want to be a better person but don't want to shell out a lot of cash? These acts of kindness don't cost a thing.

This Is How the High Cost of Cheap Gas Hurts You

Turns out cheap gas isn't so cheap after all.

How to Financially Educate Your Children

Here are a few ways you can help your children create a healthy relationship with money.