Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Real Life Calamities That Can Drain Your Finances (Plus How to Defend Against Them)

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometime the downs take all your money along for the ride.

Is There Such Thing as a Messy Millionaire?

My favorite lesbian: I recently purchased Suze Orman's latest book (at Costco, for $10 off of the retail price), "Women & Money". [more]

Which store-bought stain remover works best?

This is the first in what will be an ongoing series of blogs, subtitled "Andrea shamelessly promotes cute guys who make videos about vaguely interesting topics." Now, I know that o

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 4/18, 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Majoring in Money! Join our conversation with Sallie Mae for chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards!

11 Silent Budget Killers You Don't Notice

Wondering where all your money's gone? You spent it when you weren't looking.

5 Reasons Librarian Is Still a Great Career Choice

Somehow libraries are still relevant decades into the Internet-age. If you're looking for a future-proof career, start thinking dusty old tomes.

This One Mistake Could Delay Your Retirement by 10 Years

Buying a home is a big decision and if you don't do it right, you could be paying for years and years. Use cash flow to help make the right choice.

9 of the Craziest, Coolest Airbnb Listings

From tree houses, to house boats, to a seashell by the seashore, these Airbnb listings are sure to surprise!

“I see dumb people” – Learn to cold-read like a so-called “psychic.”

I don’t believe in psychics, palm readers, telekinesis or mediums. Not because I’m a huge skeptic but because I’ve been researching them for years and have found NO evidence that t

Menu Planning Backwards and Forwards

We all know it saves time and money to plan a weekly dinner menu. You're also more likely to eat a healthy diet and less likely to cop out and pick up a Big Mac, because you know y

9 Money Lessons to Take From the Great Depression

The Depression was a dark time in America's history, but it did yield some incredible tips for surviving on a budget and saving money.

Use These Stores' Gift Cards ASAP

Time to dig through the desk drawer. If you have any of these lingering store gift cards, the time to use them may be now or never.

11 Ways to Update Peanut Butter and Jelly

PB&J is quick, easy, and delicious. But even the most ardent peanut-butter-and-jelly lovers can get bored by eating the same three ingredients.

12 More Things People Who Make a Lot of Money Do

It turns out that high earners share a lot of habits that help them succeed. How many of these habits are yours?

6 Pet Expenses You Should Never Skip

Pet care can be expensive, but there are certain pet care costs that you can't afford to skip.

Buying a House? Here's Where to Keep Your Down Payment

When you're saving for a house in the near future, it's the return of the money, not the return on the money, that matters most.

6 Personal Finance Rules to Live By in Your 40s

Make your 40s all about securing financial stability. These personal finance rules can help you get there.

Actually Get Things Done: Creating a Reasonable To-Do List

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by a to-do list that seems to go on forever. Reclaim your productivity with these suggestions.

5 Wise Uses for Milk of Magnesia

Milk of magnesia is often used to treat tummy troubles. Discover other savvy uses for the stuff, from skincare to odor control.

3 Times Bankruptcy Is the Right Move

A bankruptcy can take a terrible toll on your credit and your financial future. But sometimes it's the only way to escape debt and start anew.