Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Follow These 5 Steps to Full Health Care Coverage in Retirement

Are you factoring medical costs into your retirement planning? You should be — here's how to avoid a health care shortage in your golden years.

8 Things to Carry That Could Help Someone in an Emergency

Just keeping a couple items in your purse or pocket could make you a superhero to someone in an emergency.

10 Things You Can Totally Regift — And 7 Things You Shouldn't

What to do with those unused candles, frying pans, or ugly sweaters? Regift them, of course!

8 Ways Being Patient Saves You Money

Patience is a virtue — for your wallet, too. Find out how going zen can save you big time.

How to Take a 7-Day Cross Country Road Trip for $350 or Less

We all want to hit the open road and drive across the country, but costs can add up quickly. Luckily, we found a way to do it for $350 or less.

11 Steps to Take When Bankruptcy Is Your Only Option

A bankruptcy can sting, but it just may be the lifeline your finances need.

How to Find the Best Stuff at HomeGoods

Whether you're a HomeGoods newbie or already love the store, here's how to find the best bargains on the best home furnishings.

15 Common Kitchen Cast-Offs You Can Repurpose Into Cool New Things

There's gold in your kitchen, as long as you know where to look. Try these new, creative uses for stuff most people throw away.

Disguise Your Stuff to Prevent Car Break-ins

What one thief might consider trash can be your treasure. Create this simple container for your car, and safely hide your valuables in (almost) plain site.

Bookmark This: How Much to Tip in Almost Every Situation

Tipping is tricky. Here are some easy to remember guidelines to take the guesswork out of it.

How to Live the "Location Independent" Lifestyle

When you can work from anywhere, you can go anywhere. Here's how.

8 Cheap Ways to Deter Garden Pests

If pests are enjoying your garden more than you are, reclaim your space with some cheap, non-toxic critter control.

Get a Week's Worth of Dinners Out of One Chicken

Save money and eat healthy with this delicious plan for stretching one chicken into a full week of meals.

How to Get a Truly Free Credit Report

If you want a truly free credit report, ignore the clever ads and go straight to the source — where there are no strings attached.

Survival Basics From Depression-Era Kids

My parents and my husband’s parents were children during the Great Depression. Mine lived in large cities; my in-laws, small towns. Their families started this era from neither a p

Five More Tips For Eating In Restaurants And Sticking To A Budget

Even if you are working hard to keep your discretionary spending to a minimum, you can still enjoy a restaurant meal once in awhile.

4 of the Fastest Ways to Go Broke in Retirement

Retirement should be for relaxing. But if you keep up these four habits, you'll spend your golden years broke.

What It Really Costs to Own a Home

I’m a mortgage-free homeowner but, despite paying off my loan, I still have plenty of expenses associated with owning and maintaining my house.

Best Money Tips: 5 More Ways to Screw Your Credit Card Company

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. In this article, we’ll look at 5 legal ways to get your way with your credit card companies, the 5 grammatical errors that make

4 Retirement "Rules of Thumb" That Actually Work

Take some guesswork out of retirement planning with these four financial rules of thumb. They really do work!