Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What will You Buy with Your Tax Refund? (Win Turbo Tax Prizes!)

People are just now starting to see their tax refunds filtering through their home offices. We want to know what you plan on doing with that refund -- if you get one OR what you be

5 Myths About Credit Card Rewards

Reward cards might be a lot more beneficial (or, in some cases, harmful) than you think. Check out these common myths — and the true story behind them.

7 Ways to Make Money Over Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day is almost here. Celebrate the long weekend with these easy ways to rake in extra cash.

Spice Up the Conversation by Skipping "What Do You Do?"

The next time you meet someone new, don't do the usual and ask, "So, what do you do?" Instead, ask, "What excites you?"

21 great uses for beer

I’ll make no bones about it; I love beer. But you don’t just have to drink beer straight from the bottle. If you’re feeling experimental, here are 21 (the lega

The 5 Best Blenders

From smoothies to soups and more, the blender is an indispensable kitchen tool. Check out our guide to the best ones on the market.

7 Reasons to Get Spring Cleaning Done During Winter

Instead of waiting until spring arrives — and wasting all the warm weather — get your spring cleaning done early when you're stuck inside.

Ask the Readers: When Do You Use Organic?

Tell us about when you use organic and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How Bond Prices and Yields Work

Thinking of adding some government bonds to your portfolio? First, let's take a closer look at how they work.

Eight Natural Ways to Make Water More Flavorful

The main reason that people don't drink water is that it is tasteless and not very "fun" to drink. On the other hand, water is considered more healthy than sodas so

Is living on one income a status symbol?

Recently CNN published an article titled "No kids, no jobs for growing number of wives ". This article profiled two women who are stay at home wives with no kids. A quote from the

Bulk Buying Basics: What to Buy, How to Store, and Money Saving Tips

If you have the storage space, buying in bulk can save you money and time. Here's what you need to know before you get started.

5 One-Size-Fits-All Spending Tips That Don’t Really Fit Everyone

From cutting up credit cards to cutting out lattes, these pervasive personal finance tips are repeated again and again, but could be bad advice for you.

Your Car Was Recalled. Now What?

A car recall can be scary. Here's what to do if that letter comes in the mail.

The 10 Commandments of Reaching Financial Freedom

We all want to reach financial freedom, but there are rules we need to follow in order to get there.

10 Depressing Jobs That Aren't Worth the Money

There are a lot of ways to earn your keep, but not all of them are good for mind, body, and soul. Do you work one of these depressing gigs?

6 Steps to Eliminating Your Debt Painlessly

Eliminating Debt Painlessly. Rarely do you see these words fit together in a neat little sentence. The very act of putting your hard earned money towards the stack of debts you've

401K or IRA? You Need Both

You know you should have either a 401K or an IRA. Have you considered you might need both?

Ask the Readers: Do You See Movies in the Theater?

Tell us if you see movies in the theater and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Transportation?

Tell us about how you save on transportation and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!