Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Important Ways College Students Should Use Credit Cards

These are powerful ways students can use credit cards for their benefit while still avoiding debt.

7 Things You Should Never Include in Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your time to shine. Including these seven things, though, will surely dull the sparkle.

Disguise Your Stuff to Prevent Car Break-ins

What one thief might consider trash can be your treasure. Create this simple container for your car, and safely hide your valuables in (almost) plain site.

How Reliving Past Money Mistakes Hurts Your Financial Future

We've all made money misjudgements in the past. Don't make another mistake reliving them in the present.

10 Steps You Must Take If You've Been in a Car Accident

Even a minor auto accident is frightening and stressful. Prepare for the aftermath ahead of time to limit the damage and walk away unscathed.

6 Ways to Haggle Your Way to Cheaper Rent

If you love the apartment, but not the price, learn how to negotiate with the landlord and find the price that's right for both of you.

The Smart Way to Budget on a Freelance Income

Managing your money as a freelancer isn't easy, but with this easy five-step plan, you can level out the highs and lows.

15 Times When You Really Should Bring a Gift

Don't get caught empty-handed! Be the guest the host likes the most by being the one who always remembers to bring a little something.

15 Things in Your Closet You Can Throw Out Today

Closet space comes at a premium — everything you store should fit, look great, and make you feel great. If not, toss it, sell it, or give it away.

Tips For Using Hotel Reward Points to Get the Most Value

Make sure you're getting the most value when redeeming your hotel reward points.

A whopping 6lb cheeseburger for free...if you can finish it.

Actually, I'm being a little untruthful. The full weight of the burger is closer to NINE POUNDS. 6lbs is just the meat. You have to admit it, Americans do everything bigger...but is it better? [more]

Americans' savings rate up to almost 7% - who benefits?

According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the personal savings rate in May 2009 was 6.9%. This a 15 year high and a far cry from the negative savings rates of just a few yea

Garden Ideas for Small Spaces

With a move on the horizon, from residential house to suburban apartment, I realize I can't forgo the garden.

How to Make 8 Trending Halloween Costumes on the Cheap

Just two weekends until Halloween! That's plenty of time to put together one or two of these clever, trendy costumes.

5 Times It's OK to Pause Saving and Investing

Saving and investing is always a good idea; however, if you're facing one of these money struggles, take time to clear the crisis before you start investing again.

The 5 Best Flushable Wipes

Once you go with flushable wipes, you'll never go back to toilet tissue. Use any of these flushable wipes and you'll quickly learn what you've been missing.

How to Erase Your Medical Debt

As most of you know, the cost of healthcare in the United States is outrageous! [more]

Declutter Your Home in 10 Minutes

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by your rising heaps of clutter. Bring order to your chaos and keep your home clean with this simple technique.

You're Washing Your Clothes Too Often! (What to Do Instead)

You can cut your bills and your eco-footprint by running the washer less often. And with a few simple tricks, your clothes can be just as clean.

15 Grab-and-Go Post-Workout Breakfasts

No time for breakfast … again? Start the day the right way with a quick, nutritious, on-the-go meal that everybody has time for — even you.