Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Travel?

Tell us how you save on holiday travel and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Your House Is a Hobby, Not an Investment

Never think of a house as an investment. Instead, think of it for what it really is — a time and money hole that can be fun to own.

8 Ways to Turn Your Stress Into Money

These days, who isn't stressed out. Channel that energy into more money and it might just be able to relax a little.

These 6 Things Will Make Your Next Flight More Comfortable

Dreading your next flight? These tricks will make your time in the sky way more comfy.

7 Ways Retirement Planning Changes When You're Single

Retirement planning is not one-size-fits-all. And if you're single, you'd be wise to prepare for some unique concerns — and benefits!

15 Ways to Stop the Hiccups

The next time you have a synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (more commonly known as the hiccups), look to these easy (and sometimes tasty!) solutions.

The 5 Best Air Fresheners

Life gets messy, and those messes can stink. Try any of these five air fresheners to combat unpleasant smells and keep life fresh.

9 Cheap and Healthy Filler Foods

Boost the nutritional value (and the flavor) of your favorite dishes by adding these frugal, healthful fillers.

12 Words You Need to Delete From Your Resume Right Now

HR staffers see a lot of resumes — and a lot of cliches, tired idioms, and lazy skill descriptions in them. Make your resume memorable by cutting these awful words.

How Low Can You Go? Taking the No Heat Challenge

Most of us aren't ready to give up home heating altogether, but here are a few tricks we can learn from the hardcore heat resisters.

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.

Will A Dental Discount Plan Save You Money?

Those of us without traditional dental insurance may have been tempted to buy a dental “discount” plan. On paper, it looks good. In practicality, it could save you some, or more

8 Money-Saving Hacks for Those Who Hate Cooking

Don't let your disdain for cooking keep you from saving money. These easy meal hacks will make food prep a breeze.

What Happens When Your Credit Card Debt Is Charged Off?

A “charge off” on your credit card debt doesn’t mean it’s disappearing. Take action before your credit score takes a huge hit.

5 Lucrative Climate Change Investments That Can Help Save the World

Can you save the environment and take care of your personal finances at the same time? Yes, you can. Here's how.

9 Fun and Affordable Vacation Ideas

Are your vacation plans stressing you and your budget? Consider some frugal alternatives for plenty of fun and relaxation that won't require overtime to cover it.

Ask the Readers: Do You Shop Black Friday Deals?

Tell us whether you shop Black Friday deals and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

9 Ways to Use Miles and Points for Holiday Gifts

Most people use their hard-earned credit card rewards for travel. Here's an idea: Why not give your budget a vacation from holiday shopping?

6 Reasons You Need to Include Pets in Your Will

When drawing up your will, don't forget to include your four-legged family members! They need you, even when you're gone.

College Move-Out Days: The Best Time to Dumpster Dive?

Every year, thousands of college students throw out everything from working TVs to unopened cans of food. Find out how to make their trash your treasure.