Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 3 Best TV Shows About Money

Kick back in front of the tube while learning a thing or two from these three informative, and entertaining, TV shows about money.

Making a Relationship Work When One Partner Earns More

In most relationships, one partner earns more money than the other. Learn how to prevent it from becoming a source of tension.

The 5 Best Nail Polish Removers

Removing chipped polish from your nails isn't always easy, but it can be. Use any of these five nail polish removers and your nails will be clean and prepped for your next mani.

Why You Need Credit — and How to Build It From Scratch

Learn how to create a great credit score even if you don't have an extensive financial history.

How to Shop With Purpose — And Save More Money

Science proves it; retail therapy is real. Harness the power of those buy now vibes to become a real money saver.

5 Ways to Profit From Obama's Cuba Announcement

Even small investors can profit from the thawing of relations between the United States and Cuba. Here are five investments to consider.

U.S. Government Offers "Free" $50,000 to Troubled Homeowners

Are you struggling to pay for your mortgage? Uncle Sam is gearing up to pass out up to $50,000 to troubled homeowners, and it doesn't have to be repaid.

Double-Dip-Proof Your Business

With fears swirling about a double-dip recession, many entrepreneurs are worried that we're in for another round of tough times.

Saving for Retirement: Highlights From Our Chat With CalSavers

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with CalSavers on Saving for Retirement!

20 Secrets of Last-Minute Travel

If you have the urge to roam, but don't care too much about where you wind up, these planning tips will get you there cheap, wherever "there" happens to be.

Want Free HBO or Showtime? Just Ask.

Premium channels come with premium prices. Usually, between $10 and $20 a month, depending on the channel and your cable/satellite company. But here's something that applies across

10 Quick Ways to Become More Hygienic

Guess what? Good hygiene means good health as well as good cleanliness. Clean up your act, inside and out.

5 Fun and Unexpected Ways to Get Out of a Business Rut

When you and your small business really need inspiration to strike, your best bet is to think outside the box.

Do You Need a Disaster Survival Kit?

I've always thought of disaster preparedness as something for the highly paranoid or mildly insane. Current events have led me to believe in being better safe than sorry.

The 5 Best Mattresses

Your mattress can affect how you sleep — and how you sleep can affect almost everything else in your life. Rest easy with one of these great mattresses.

This Is the Secret to Buying Electronics for Cheap

New gadgets are great — except for the price. But if you don't mind doing some homework, you can get recent-vintage gear at a great discount.

Travel and Money: How to Get and Carry Cash Safely and Securely

When you travel, it can be easy to be labeled as a tourist, which automatically makes you a target for theft. Here's how to get and carry cash safely and securely.

Why Tax Day Is April 15 and Other Weird Financial Deadlines

It might seem like the federal government drew these financial dates and deadlines out of a hat, but there's reason behind the madness.

10 Hot Spots for Digital Nomads in 2018

If you live and work on the road, you should check out these gorgeous international hot spots.

Ask These 8 Questions to Get a Better Price

A little haggling can go a long way, especially if you ask the right questions. Try these and save some extra cash!