Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Splurge On?

Tell us what you splurge on and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: How to Get Into Shape on a Shoestring Budget

Today we found helpful articles on tips for getting into shape on a shoestring budget, filthy habits you should drop by 40, and secret ways to make your clothes last longer.

The Power of Mentorship

We all use mentors regularly without thinking about it. But if we take charge of our lives and consciously choose mentors, we can charge ahead of the game in leaps and bounds.

Breathing Easy on the Financial Rollercoaster

In case you hadn't noticed, stock markets around the world have done some crazy things this week. At this point, I think we're all a little lightheaded, wondering if we should be w

Psychology of Money: How We Secretly Want People to Make Us Buy Things

A good financial plan includes planning and budgeting for both needs and wants. Don't let short term wants steal from those wants you really desire.

Are Coupons For Everyone? A Review of the Couponizer (and a Giveaway)

I love the idea of coupons. Saving money? I'm so for the idea. Cutting, sorting, and saving little scraps of paper that will probably end up getting eaten by the baby or in the

Get Over the Hump Like a Soldier (Book Giveaway)

Learn how to keep the motivation going after the initial excitement of going after your financial goals has worn off.

The Economics of Marriage and Health - Til Death Do Us Part

Studies have shown that a healthy marriage could translate into a healthy heart, not to mention saving money on health care or an expensive divorce.

Having Fun at Work, Life, and Everything In-Between

Even though some of us may embrace the idea that one should not mix work and play, it turns out that having fun with your colleagues might have it’s share of benefits for our healt

Best Money Tips: Restaurants and Retailers Offering Free Gift Cards for Givers

Today we found some awesome articles on restaurants and retailers offering free gift cards for givers, the best life hacks of 2013, and teaching children frugality.

10 Classes to Boost Earning & Savings Power

Education is one of the best ways to improve your financial situation. Here is my list of the 10 best classes that would boost my earnings and increase my savings.

Best Money Tips: Tips to Start Saving for Your Child's College

Today we found some fantastic articles on saving for your child's college, moves to make at work this year, and ways money slips through your fingers.

Should the First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit be Expanded and Extended?

The $8000 first time homebuyer's tax credit is set to expire on November 30th. This means that those who want to take advantage of this refundable credit have only a couple months

Best Money Tips: Start Earning More Money Today

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to start earning more money, combining your finances, and how much you need to earn to buy a home.

4 Reasons Why You Must Open a Roth IRA Before April 15

One quirk of the tax law is that any contributions to a Roth IRA before April 15 count against last year's limits. Here are four good reasons to open one now.

Best of Personal Finance Roundup: How to Hide Naughty Credit Card Purchases

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best of Personal Finance roundup. In this article, we show you what "naughty" purchases you should avoid putting on your credit card, how to cook a pork roa

Best Money Tips: Cleaning Tips That Can Save You Money

Today we found some great articles on cleaning tips that will save you money, awesome ways to give, and finding small appliances for cheap.

The New Kale: How to Cook This Summer's 8 Most Popular Vegetables

Parsnips, radishes, and rutabagas are among this summer's trendy table darlings. Find recipes and more for the eight hottest looks in this season's basket.

The Online Doctor : A Good Use of Your Health Care Dollar?

Like the majority of Americans, I try to make the most of my health-care dollar. If you are also comfortable with a keyboard, consulting an on-line doctor may be a great option.

5 People You Should Have in Your "Personal Emergency Kit"

Friends in need are friends indeed. When trouble strikes, big or small, who you gonna call? Somebody from your must have list of emergency contacts!