Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Handle Big City Rents

Big city life comes with big city costs. Here's how you can shave dollars off an apartment rental.

Frugal Transport--bicycling

Three years ago I started bicycling to work. It was a gradual thing. It took extra planning to ride--there were issues with clothing, issues with carrying stuff on the bike.

Private foundations for ordinary folks

There are a lot of advantages to having a private foundation to use as the vehicle for your charitable giving. Sadly, the tax laws make setting up a private foundation impractical

10 Negotiable Ways To a Fatter Wallet

Growing up in a typical small Jewish family, I assumed everyone knew the I’m-smart-but-not-cheap tactics I was raised with. But as I’ve gotten older (yeah, it had to happen sometim

I Got Duped! Dealing With Credit Card and Merchant Disputes

So you bought an awesome thing-a-ma-jiggy or service with your credit card. But when you got it home you discovered the item doesn't work, the service was a heist, or the

8 Friendsgiving Hacks That'll Make Everyone Feel at Home

If you're hosting all the Thanksgiving "orphans" in your circle, make your gathering extra homey with some added welcoming touches.

3 Step Strategy To Airfare Deals

I am going to come out and say it: there are no secrets to finding a bargain ticket every time you fly. However, by understanding how the system works, you can develop a deal findi

Book Review: Living On An Acre, A Practical Guide to the Self-Reliant Life

Ever since I left the city and crept my way back into my childhood farm house, I have been slowly adjusting to a simpler lifestyle. Living On An Acre has been a steady and dependa

Guest post at Get Rich Slowly

J.D. over at Get Rich Slowly asked me for a guest post on personal finance. What it turned out I wanted to talk about next, though, was productivity--and in particular, my evolvin

Ask the Readers: What Bad Money Habits Have You Quit?

Tell us what bad money habits you have successfully quit and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Tips for Back-to-School Shopping?

Tell us your tips for back-to-school shopping and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Can Saying Thanks More Make You Rich?

We all know saying "thank you" is polite. But true gratitude can actually make your finances (and life!) a little sunnier.

Flashback Friday: 45 Life Lessons You'd Give to Your Younger Self

If only you could go back in time, here's everything you'd tell your younger self.

Book review: The Education of an American Dreamer by Peter G. Peterson

The Education of an American Dreamer: : How a Son of Greek Immigrants Learned His Way from a Nebraska Diner to Washington, Wall Street, and Beyond is the personal memoir of Peter G

Best Money Tips: 5 Ways You're Overpaying for Health Care

Today we found articles on ways you’re spending too much on health care, how to optimize your workspace, and why sales tax holidays are not as great as they sound.

11 Affordable Ways to Stay Cool in the Summer Heat

Summer's not over yet and there's still plenty of hot days to get through before Fall arrives. Stay cool with these simple, frugal ways to chill from POPSUGAR.

New Isn't Always Better: 12 Used Things to Love

Buying used usually costs less and that's always a plus. Even better -- some goods really do get better with age.

How to Move From Being Busy to Actually Getting Things Done

Being busy feels good — but it's not the same as being productive. Here's how to slow the pace and still get more done.

37 Hidden Travel Fees You've Probably Paid But Shouldn't Have

On your next trip, keep your wallet and your calculator close, and carry this list to help you spot the hidden fees on everything from water to Wi-Fi.

Job Hunting Tips for the Recently Fired (and Some for the Rest of Us, Too)

Job hunting is hard, but for those who have been fired, it's a real struggle. Here's how to put the past behind and move on with a new gig.