Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Be Less of a Grump at Work

If your work life has transformed you into the office grump, take steps to change how you work. You'll improve your outlook and perhaps your bottom line.

Best Money Tips: How to Retire on the Cheap

Today we found some awesome articles on how to retire on the cheap, ideas to increase your income, and dangers of leasing a car.

Best Money Tips: Saving on Gas

Today we found some awesome articles on saving on gas, figuring out extreme couponing, and why you should love credit cards.

Best Money Tips: 25 Morning Habits for a Great Day

Today we found some great articles on morning habits for a great day, ways to save $100 this week, and things you can do this summer to boost your career.

Being Frugal with Froogle

Online price comparison just got a whole lot easier with Google Shopping. Happy spending!

24 Tips for Having a Baby Without Going Broke

That little bundle of joy can cost you a big wad of cash. Discover great ways to give your baby everything she needs while saving a few bucks.

Best Money Tips: Father's Day Gifts for the DIY Dad

Today we found some great articles on affordable Father’s Day gifts for the DIY dad, what you should do when you don’t get a raise, and why you should have a last-minute vacation.

Best Money Tips: Tactics to Get Free Food

Today we found some great articles on tactics to get free food, how to take an inexpensive road trip, and tips for budgeting when you're broke.

8 top ways to care for your allergies without damaging the budget

I've had allergies for as long as I can remember. Which probably means that I've had them for longer than I can remember, since allergies aren't usually something that become possible with the advent of memory. [more]

7 Money Moves to Make When You Get a New Job

Starting a new job? Great! Just remember to make these key moves to keep your finances in order.

Hack a Mac!

If you're like me, the closest you get to hacking anything is when you are allowed to carve the turkey at Thanksgiving. But lately, I've been inspired to learn how to do all those techy things that my nerdy friends seem so good at. [more]

7 Ways to Get Fit With Your Dog

Man's best friend can also be your best motivator. Use these seven cheap activity ideas to get off the couch and get fit with your favorite pup.

11 Cool Uses for Popsicle Sticks

Don't toss those old popsicle sticks in the trash! Give 'em a quick rinse and upcycle them into something new and cool.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/29, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win Prizes!

Topic: Raising Financially Savvy Kids! Join our chat with Jump$tart for a chance to win $200 in Amazon gift cards! Participate using #WBChat and #afinlitfuture!

The Comprehensive Guide to Changing Your Name After Marriage

Getting married is blissful. Changing your name after, unfortunately, is not. Make the process easier with this helpful guide.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Get Yard Sale Deals

Today we found some awesome articles on getting yard sale deals, staying financially prepared, and the art of saving money.

Best Money Tips: Daily Purchases That Hurt Your Budget

Today we found some great articles on daily purchases that hurt your budget, affordable cities for settling down, and bad news for Spotify users.

How to Brown Bag it With Style

Finding time to pack your lunch for work each day can feel pretty overwhelming. Trying to be creative about it can be even more frustrating. Following are several categories of sug

8 Times You Should Demand a Discount

Whether it's a dented floor model dishwasher, or you're paying in cash… know that you can — and should — demand a discount.

Best Money Tips: 4 Phone Calls That Could Save You Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on phone calls that could save you money, things you should do this month, and getting rid of your overstuffed wallet.