Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Your Loss Aversion Is Costing You More Than Your FOMO

Losing money hurts so much more than the thrill of getting it. Why is that?

Starting a New Job: 3 Rules to Live By

Make the transition to a new job easier by following these tips.

7 Ways to Make the Most of a Tiny Kitchen

A tiny kitchen can make cooking seem more unappetizing than two-week-old leftovers. But with some creativity and thought, even the smallest kitchen can be functional and inviting.

13 Food Items to Always Buy in Bulk

You don't have to buy everything in bulk to save — who has the space? Just be sure to make room for these staples that are cheaper by the dozens.

The 5 Best Electric Woks

An electric wok lets you take delicious stir-fry wherever there's an electrical outlet. Find the wok that's right for you from our Best 5.

3 Smartphone Apps That Manage and Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards

Credit card rewards programs can be hard to maximize, and it's easy to let points slip away. Wrangle your rewards with this trio of smartphone apps.

6 Ways Life is Wonderful When You're Debt-Free

Living life free of debt can be really awesome. And we mean really.

How to Cheaply Display Your Art

Do you have piles of art and no money to spend on frames? Framing is expensive, but there are plenty of ways to display your fabulous art collection without having to sell a kidney

Networking Basics for Regular People

Competition for jobs is fierce but networking is one way of differentiating yourself as a stellar candidate. Here are tips on networking basics as well as ideas on how to avoid see

20 Signs That You Were Raised By TRUE Money-Savers

Rising prices, as well as the current unemployment rate, and devaluation of the dollar, all seem to support the wisdom of previous generations’ more frugal ways.

7 Expensive Stocks That Are Totally Worth It

Make no mistake about it, these stocks are super-expensive — but they're not necessarily overpriced.

The seven deadly sins of consumerism (and the frugal redemption).

Sit ye down, hold your loved ones tight, and get ready for the seven deadliest sins of the modern day consumer. (By the way, I know I’m a movie buff when I can reference two of the greatest films ever made in one blog headline. [more]

The Best Secured Cards That Pay Interest on Your Deposit

Secured credit cards require a security deposit that usually determines your credit limit. There are some cards, though, that allow you to earn interest on the deposit.

Happily Ever After: How to Stay Married for 29 Years (and Counting)

What's the secret to staying together for a long, long, long time? Hear what one woman who's been happily married for almost 30 years has to say.

5 Reasons Librarian Is Still a Great Career Choice

Somehow libraries are still relevant decades into the Internet-age. If you're looking for a future-proof career, start thinking dusty old tomes.

What to Do When Your Belongings Get Stolen Abroad

Losing your belongings or having them stolen while on vacation is a nightmare, but don't panic. Here's what you need to do.

Why You Should Still Pay Attention to Bitcoin

After a winter of high valuations — and high profile heists — Bitcoin has lost some of its luster. Is it still worth anybody's attention?

6 Pet Expenses You Should Never Skip

Pet care can be expensive, but there are certain pet care costs that you can't afford to skip.

3 Reasons Not to Invest Now

Sure, investing is a smart move. But before you decide to invest, you need to decide if it's the right time for you.

Use These Stores' Gift Cards ASAP

Time to dig through the desk drawer. If you have any of these lingering store gift cards, the time to use them may be now or never.