Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Ways to Save on Cat Care

Before you get out that frugal yard stick and start lecturing about spending too much money on cat toys and accessories, understand that the majority of those expenses are spent on

Women Pay More for Health Care — Here's How to Pay Less

Many factors can spike your health care costs through the roof. Including being a woman.

10 Ways to Save Money When You Are Unemployed

It's always good to be mindful about spending, but for the unemployed, an abstract should is a real world must. Here's how to cut back, fast.

How to Tell You've Become a Financial Grownup

You're all grown up! Becoming a financial grownup, however, is another story.

8 Reasons You're Bad at Money — And How to Fix It ASAP

Bad money habits are hard to break — but you can do it. It's time to ditch the excuses and fix your finances.

Can Tiny House Living Actually Save You Money?

The latest trend in real estate is living large in a really small space. Seems like that should be a money-saver, right?

Are Extended Warranties Ever a Good Deal?

I've never bought a lottery ticket, but I do often buy extended warranties. Why? Because I am brutal on my possessions. I drop them, I spill things on them, I crash them into thing

How to Buy Art as Gifts

Beautiful, original pieces of art make for excellent gifts, and they don't have to be expensive. Learn how to find the right one for your loved one at a price you can afford.

8 Powerful Brain Hacks You Can Do in Under 2 Minutes

Your brain is a powerful tool! Make sure you're using its power for good.

Best Money Tips: Common Retirement Planning Mistakes

Today we found some very cool articles on common retirement planning mistakes, amazing ways to use balloons, and stocking your medicine cabinet for less.

Best Money Tips: 15 Foods That Are Better as Leftovers

Today we found articles on food that are always better as leftovers, ways to do big life events cheaply, and budget destinations to check out for your next vacation.

14 of the Coolest Sayings About Investing

It's easy to get frustrated by the complexity that is investing, so take a moment to chill in wisdom of some well turned phrases about making money.

6 Reasons to Love Your Bank

Banks (especially big banks) tend to be vilified in the media. But there are some very good reasons to be thankful we have them.

10 Difficult Jobs That Are Worth the Effort

The hours are long, the work is hard, and in some cases, the pay is low. Find out why these demanding jobs are worth your while.

The 5 Best Shampoos for Frizzy Hair

Keeping your hair frizz-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these shampoos for frizzy hair and your coif will remain sleek.

5 Painless Ways to Manage Money With Your Partner

A partnership is all about not going it alone — even when it comes to money. For a happier union, include your partner in the planning with these suggestions.

10 Classes That Can Pay for Themselves

Want to learn something new — and invest in your future? From crafting to business, these great classes have the potential to pay for themselves.

31 Reasons Why I'm in Love With Thrift Shopping (and You Should Be Too)

Oh thrift store, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

8 Stress Relief Items You Need in Your Life That Are Under $20

To take away all the stress in your life, you might just need the right products. And luckily, they won't cost you much.

5 More Fun, Affordable Train Trips

Summer's over, but don't let that stop you from one of these fun and frugal train trips. They're great for a fabulous fall excursion.