Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Get — and Keep — Amazing Posture by Doing These 10 Stretches Today

Stop slouching! Look thinner and feel better with these posture perfecting stretches anyone can do.

5 Incredible Places to Retire Abroad That Anyone Can Afford

For retirees looking to stretch their savings — and satisfy their wanderlust — these five nations are attractive retirement options.

How to Save for Retirement When You Are Unemployed

So you're out of work. That doesn't mean you have to lose track of your retirement savings.

21 Surprising Uses for Vinegar

Is there anything vinegar can't do? This pantry jack-of-all-trades proves over and over again why you should never be without it.

5 Ways Good Manners Make You Wealthier

Getting rich isn't easy. But it can be a whole lot easier if you mind your P's and Q's!

6 Ways You Can Cut Costs Right Before You Retire

With retirement right around the corner, it's more important than ever to start cutting your daily living costs. You'll thank yourself later.

7 Countries Where You Can Travel on $30 a Day or Less

Travel doesn't have to be expensive — you just need to know where to go, and how to trim the cost.

How to Wake Up Fast and Attack the Day

Waking up can be difficult when your bed is so darn comfortable. Learn how to happily shake off the sleep so you can have a more productive day.

7 Worst Reasons NOT to Buy a House

If you're avoiding homeownership, make sure it's not for one of these not-so-great reasons.

The 6 Best Financial News Sites for Investors in a Hurry

Whether you're new to investing or an experienced trader, these sites will keep you up-to-date, wherever there's Internet.

8 Nifty Tips for Getting the Most from an All-You-Can Eat Buffet

I’m no promoter of gluttony, and I would never recommend stuffing yourself for the sake of stuffing yourself. However, as a mother of 4 growing kids who only eat out once or twice

Landscaping for Energy Conservation

Over time, investing in green landscaping can reduce your heating bills as much as 25 percent and summer cooling bills by 50 percent or more.

4 Financial Mistakes That Limit Your Freedom

The mistakes you make with money hurt more than your finances — they limit your freedom. Are you making any of these mistakes?

The 6 Personal Finance Rules Everyone Must Follow

The Internet is awash in free financial advice. This short list of basics will put you on firm financial ground today and on the way to a wealthier tomorrow.

6 Ways to Invest When You're In Debt

Investing and paying down debt? Yep, you read correctly. It's possible!

4 Times When Bundling Insurance Doesn't Make Sense

"Bundling" is a buzzworthy term in the insurance world. But, sometimes, you're better off keeping your policies separate.

31 Foolproof Ways to Lower Your Grocery Bill

From Meatless Mondays to rain checks, these supermarket money-savers will save you big on your next grocery run.

7 Frugal Fall Decoration Tips

Soon enough autumn will bring the chill. Warm up your home in the cool months ahead with some frugal fall crafts.

Wal-Mart Celebrates Its Own Green Efforts with Free Reusable Shopping Bags

Wal-Mart gets its fair share of negative press. However, a recent article in the new National Geographic’s Green Guide magazine really had me t

5 Checkout Line Tricks to Finish Shopping Faster

It's hard to get in and out of the grocery store when you're in a rush. But these tips will help you master that.