Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Top Savings Goal?

Tell us about your top savings goal and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Debt Lessons From Darth Vader

What can a villain teach us about getting out of debt? More than C-3PO can teach us about programming binary load-lifters.

Your Debt Is Killing You — Here's the Cure

Forget about saving for retirement and your kid's college tuition. Here's the best reason to get serious about eliminating debt — it's killing you.

12 Times You're Better Off Without a Promotion

You're working hard — and smart — and the boss has noticed. Do you take the promotion? Or do you keep the job you're happy with?

7 Fastest Ways to Recover From Holiday Overspending

Have you already blown the holiday budget for this year? Here's how to get back on track.

5 Reasons July Is a Great Month for Stocks

July is usually a banner month for the stock market. In between sand castles and sunbathing, here's why you should do some investing!

How Projection Bias Could Be Destroying Your Finances

Grocery shopping while hungry is more than just a bad habit. It's wrecking your finances.

4 Ways to Make Money Doing Household Chores

Looking for a side gig that doesn't have hefty startup fees? You can make up to $25 an hour doing everyday household chores for other people.

Cheap Passport Pictures (Part Two): Online Ordering

A year and a half ago, I wrote a post about how to fashion your own passport photos for unde

Make Your Clothing Fit Perfectly With These 10 No-Sew Fixes

Keep your clothes (and your budget) looking better longer with these quick, easy, and inexpensive repairs.

9 Restaurant Secret Menu Items That'll Actually Save you Money

Hack the menu at your favorite spot and save some money on your next meal or drink. You'll never order the same way again.

25 Awesome Websites to Help You Get a Job

From niche job searches to finding fantastic freelance gigs to resume help and much more, these 25 job websites will help get ahead in getting employed.

6 Money-Saving Items to Bring On Your Next Cruise

Cruising is an affordable way to travel, but you could save even more if you pack the right gear.

What Do The Concierge Services From Credit Cards Really Provide?

Does your credit card offer concierge services? Here's a breakdown of what that really means.

The One Time Short-Term Health Insurance Makes Sense

Short term health insurance is cheap but the coverage is full of holes. So why is it offered — and when should anyone purchase it?

The 5 Best Office Chairs

A good office chair is good for your productivity and good for your back. Here are our best five office chair picks.

Are You Underpaid? How to Figure Out What Salary You Deserve

How much are you worth? Discover the salary you should really be earning.

10 Ways to Save Money When You Are Unemployed

It's always good to be mindful about spending, but for the unemployed, an abstract should is a real world must. Here's how to cut back, fast.

How to Resist the Expensive "Once in a Lifetime" Mentality

Just because you think you'll only buy something once, doesn't mean it's worth spending your money on.

5 Downsides to a Bigger Paycheck

You just got a raise, but before you start celebrating, take a few minutes to think about how more money is going to change things for you.