Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

More Free Television Online - - UPDATE: Invites Available for Wise Bread Readers!

Introducing, a joint effort of Fox and NBC that aims to be the one stop hub of all free and legal online television. Today I took it for a spin. Read on for my experienc

New $5 bill starts circulating today

The new $5 enters circulation today with a ceremonial "first spend" at the gift shop of President Lincoln’s Cottage at the Soldiers’ Home in Washington, D.

Road To Becoming A Rich Idiot

Ever met a rich idiot? I’ve known at least two. Not counting my telephone conversation with self-proclaimed Rich Idiot and multimillionaire Robert Shemin (author of “How come TH

Joy of Life Club

Want to stay in San Francisco but don't want to pay an arm and a leg? Want more out of that $100 + a night stay in the city in the way of personality? Want some place that'

Ask the Readers: Do You Have Financial Resolutions for 2013?

Tell us if you have financial resolutions for 2013 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Free Bag of Yummy Corozonas Chips!

Get a coupon for a free bag of Corazonas heart healthy snacks!

How Much Can You Trust That Food Label?

They say you should always read the labels when you buy food — but can you trust what the label says?

5 Sure-Fire Signs of an Investment Scam

Even well-educated and honest people can get conned. Learn the signs of a scheme to avoid losing your savings.

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts

The Coverdell Education Savings Account (also known as the Coverdell ESA) is a college savings option that allows you to save money towards your child's college expenses with tax a

What You Need to Know About Your FSA

As with many provisions in healthcare, you may not be up-to-date on all of the finer points of an FSA. Even if you are, it never hurts to brush up on the basics.

The Frugal Guest's Guide to Surviving Wedding Season

Wedding season is the most costly season of all. Here's how to survive without breaking your budget.

DON'T Buy It Now on eBay without using cashback

You've been saving money with your online purchases thanks to Wise Bread, but wanna save even more? I know that got your attention.

Farnoosh Torabi Shares Favorite Holiday Shopping Tips With Wise Bread Readers!

Today Show's money guru reveals overlooked ways to save more this holiday season.

Save on Car Maintenance With These 5 DIY Tips

Some car maintenance tasks are simple enough even for novices. These tasks require only a little time, a little knowledge, and a few tools.

Dirty Little Secrets: Shocking Germ Hotspots You Touch Every Day

There are germs WHERE? Find out where those microscopic baddies hide, and then follow your mother's advice and wash your hands!

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Common Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Spelling and grammar miscues are embarrassing and irksome — and maybe even career threatening. Trap those errors before they trip you up with a few simple tricks.

10 Productivity Tips From Visionaries

How do the people who change the world get things done? Find out here, and learn how you can use their productivity tricks.

Ask the Readers: Are We Making a Comeback?

News analysts, finance gurus, and even the guy at the grocery store all have their opinions on whether this is the tail end of a painful spot in our economic history. What do you t

Best Money Tips: Best Things to Buy in the Spring

Today we found some awesome articles on the best things to buy in the spring, amazing meals for $5 or less, and overcoming mistakes.

The Penalty-Free Way to Withdraw Retirement Money Early

For most retirement plans the penalty for early withdrawal can be hefty. Here's a surprising, if complex, alternative.