Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How Every Woman Can Take Control of Her Finances

Women, don't be another statistic. It's time to forge ahead on these critical money matters, or face retiring in poverty.

Best Money Tips: The Most Shoplifted Items of 2009

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. This week, we'll share the most shoplifted items of 2009, tell you the final date you can order online and still get your stuff

Best Money Tips: Essential Things to Do to Retire Early

Today we found some stellar articles on retiring early, saving on wedding reception food, and simple ways to cut household expenses.

Contingency Plans

Are you assuming that things will go along pretty much okay? Most people do, and they're usually right. Even when they're wrong, it tends to be okay, because the typical household'

The First Thing You Need to Work on If You Want a Better Relationship

Science shows that good partnerships are correlated with overall happiness, and working on this one thing can make your relationship even better.

The Simple 5-Step Plan to Complete Money Management

It's actually easy (and even fun!) to be in control of household finances. Follow this simple plan and use the free tools to take charge of your money.

Book Review: The Happy Minimalist

Like frugality and simplicity, minimalism is both a means and an end. It's a way of living light on your wallet and light on the planet, and it enables certain choices (such as

Do This One Thing Every Day to Defeat Negativity

If your glass is always half empty, this simple daily practice can help you see it half full — and help you feel happier.

5 Places to Save on Halloween Costumes Online

There are plenty of ways to save on Halloween -- DIY, rummage sales, etc. -- but today let's look at how you can take care of everything with a few clicks and still save money.

Sinking Dollar: This Time on Purpose

The Fed wants to keep the inflation rate up around 2%, because their efforts to boost the economy only get traction when they can push interest rates well below the inflation rate.

Meet Brooke Kaelin, Our Daily Deals Editor

Hello, my name is Brooke Kaelin. I’m the Daily Deals Editor here at Wise Bread.

Best Money Tips: 85 Things You Should Buy at the Dollar Store

Today we found articles on items you should buy at the dollar store, great jobs for retirees, and how going to college abroad can help you save money.

Don't Be Held Hostage by Miscommunication

Communication in the workplace is key. I was thinking about this recently when I was (sort of) held hostage.

Best Money Tips: Save on Everyday Expenses

Today we found some great articles to help you save on everyday expenses, create cheap DIY costumes for couples, and ask for a raise the right way.

8 Holiday Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Cheer

Tis the season for overwork, over-indulgence, and over-stress. Get a handle on the holidays this year by avoiding these common cheer-sappers.

How to Fix a Bike Flat

The open road, miles away from home (and cell coverage), is no place to discover that you don’t know how to repair a flat tire. Learn now.

Best Money Tips: How to Live Like a Millionaire for a Day

Today we found articles on ways to live like a millionaire for a day, how to survive long flights, and side hustles you can do with your partner.

Best Money Tips: Things to Say Yes to for a Happy Life

Today we found some great articles on things to say yes to for a happy life, foods you should make instead of buy, and money mistakes to avoid if you want to be rich.

5 Discount Stores That Are More Expensive Than You Think

Walmart and other big box retailers offer the best value, right? Not always. Watch out for these deals that aren't.

Claiming the Home Office Deduction Without Getting into Trouble

Deducting your home office isn't as scary as rumors suggest. Here's how to claim your space, audit-free.