Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Fool-Proof Ways to Stay Within Your Travel Budget

Costs have a tendency to creep up when we're on the road. Learn to be a savvy spender no matter where the travel bug takes you.

The 5 Best Computer Keyboards

The design of a computer keyboard can make or break your productivity — and your hands! Type with ease and comfort with one of these top keyboards.

10 Mantras That Will Transform Your Life

Whether you're reaching for a new goal, acquiring a new skill, or turning over a new leaf, a mantra can help you stay on track. Read on to find one that works for you.

Still Without Health Insurance? Here’s How Much the Penalties Will Cost You

Health insurance may feel like a an expense you might just decide to forego, but going without can be a far costlier move.

How to Make Your Fortune: Become Your Own Hero

Your average fictional hero can teach us a lot about living in the real world, starting with understanding motivation and goals, and finding a way to reach them.

25 Frugal Things I Do, 4 Spendthrift Confessions

On a regular basis, I review, update and fine-tune my list of 25 Frugal Habits. Home-made spa treatments and a cable-free home are a few of my top money-saving habits. Recycling, e

Your Brain Is Keeping You in Debt (And How to Fix It)

Why can't you chip away at that daunting pile of debt? You might want to blame your brain.

The Surprisingly Frugal Lifestyles of 12 Famous Superheroes

Sure Batman and Iron Man may be among the world's wealthiest, but that's not true for many superheroes. Here's how the frugal superheroes get by.

Sinking Dollar: This Time on Purpose

The Fed wants to keep the inflation rate up around 2%, because their efforts to boost the economy only get traction when they can push interest rates well below the inflation rate.

The 5 Worst Things to Grow in Your Garden

A vegetable garden can be a great way to cut food costs — just don't try growing these high maintenance veggies.

Portfolio Ailing? Take a Peek at Asian Markets.

If you haven't been paying attention to Asian stock markets, you could be missing out on a vital tool for making money.

Best Money Tips: Better Your Brain

Today we found some great articles on how to better your brain, save money on your Super Bowl party, and getting the most out of your workout.

Best Money Tips: Stop Your Toilets From Taking A Leak

Today we found articles on how to stop your toilets from taking a leak, radical strategies to retire sooner, and green ways to save around your home.

10 Rude Things Even Polite People Do

We try our best to be polite and sensitive to others, but sometimes even Emily Post slips up. Are you guilty of any of these small impositions?

What Makes a Good Business Bank?

The bank you choose for your business accounts can make a major difference in how well your company operates. Convenience is a factor, but there are considerations that may be m

4 Ways to Eat Healthy(ish) From Vending Machines

Vending machines aren't the best places to find nutritious snacks. But if you're in a pinch, you can stay healthy with these compromise choices.

Best Money Tips: Don't Let Your Baby Blow Your Grocery Budget

Today we found some awesome articles on keeping your baby from blowing your grocery budget, credit card myths, and benefits of one car households.

Best Money Tips: 140+ Places With Birthday Freebies

Today we found some great articles on over 140 freebies you can get on your birthday, how to keep assets separate in a marriage, and lies that happy people don’t believe.

4 Lies Business Owners Tell Themselves

Optimism in business is essential, but so is realism. Are you lying to yourself about the state of your business?

Why 9 out of 10 Businesses Fail

Innovation may be the key to a long and healthy business life.