Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Get Someone to Say "Yes"

A lot of what we do in life comes down to persuading people to say "yes." Here's to how get to that yes faster and more often.

Hold That resume! 5 Red Flags in Online Job Listings

Unemployment is at an all time high. Oddly enough so are online job listings. That doesn't mean every online job posting is a winner. Here are five red flags in job postings that s

Flashback Friday: 38 Money Lessons We Can Learn From Celebrities

Rich and famous celebs are rich and famous for a reason. Here are some of their brilliant bits of financial wisdom.

Throwback Thursday: 58 Best Thanksgiving Hacks Ever

Before you pop that turkey in the oven, make sure you check out our very best Thanksgiving hacks!

Best Money Tips: 6 Ways to Simplify the Holidays

Today we found articles on ways to simplify your life during the holidays, ways for introverts to get their energy back, and phrases that ignite money fights in marriage.

Think the Housing Bubble Was Bad? Check Out These Other Crazy Investment Bubbles

In the 1600s, tulip trading nearly ruined Holland. Yup — tulips.

Best Money Tips: The Cheap Eats Edition

Today we found some of the best articles from around the web on ways to keep your food expenses low.

Buying Restaurant-Quality Cookware

Restaurant supply stores offer a cheap place to get certain cookware for your kitchen.

Best Money Tips: Save Over $15,000 a Year

Today we found some awesome articles on how to save over $15,000 a year, things to remove from your resume, and avoiding financial scams.

The World's 11 Craziest Frugal Hotels

What these budget lodgings lack in luxury and comfort they make up for with quirkiness and history. Stay someplace unusual -- and cheap -- the next time you travel!

Wages Are Rising — Here’s How to Get Your Cut

Believe it or not, wages are finally beginning to rise. Make sure your boat is rising with the tide by making some critical career moves.

Meet Kelly Whalen, Our New Community Manager

Come say hi to Kelly as she introduces her family, our new community team, and our simpler design.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Reduce Your Clothing Budget

Today we found some fantastic articles on ways to reduce your clothing budget, reasons to get renter's insurance, and budgeting on a variable income.

Wise Bread Reloaded: Hack Your Creativity With a Trick the Yogis Use (Plus Scores More From the Archives)

Need a new idea? We've got a lot of ideas about where to get them, and how to use them.

Best Money Tips: Netflix Hacks You Should Know

Today we found some great articles on Netflix hacks to make the most of your account, balancing your side gig with your day job, and how to deal when you’re overwhelmed.

17 Resources to Improve Your Small Business

Improving your business is critical to staying afloat and growing. Here are some resources out there that will sharpen your skills, improve your offerings and allow you to grow you

Best Money Tips: Find Good Cheap Hotels

Today we found some great articles on where to find good cheap hotels, how to avoid expensive car maintenance, and ways to improve your credit score.

Flashback Friday: 43 Genius Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

Back-to-school shopping has officially begun! And there are plenty of ways you can save big.

Résumé Quirks to Embrace and Avoid

To gain deeper insight into a candidate's capabilities, try these techniques for evaluating candidates with just a few résumé and work-related quirks.

The Ups and Downs of Venture Capital

First quarter 2010 numbers are in, and Venture Capital investment in both dollars and deals were down. The good news, if you can call it that, is that it's better than Q1 2009.