Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Tackle Your Summer Vacation Credit Card Debt

Spent a little too much money while on vacation this summer? We've all been there. Here's how to tackle it, manage it, and then defeat it.

7 Ways You're Wasting Gas Without Realizing It

There's nothing frugal about wasting gas. Lighten up your lead foot, tighten up your sidewalls, and spend less getting from here to there.

Should You Use Peer-to-Peer Lending to Pay Down Credit Card Debt?

Depending on your debt situation, a peer-to-peer loan may be an affordable — and sensible — way to retire debt. Here's what you should consider.

7 Ways to Travel More in Retirement

You're officially a retiree! Now that you can see the world, here's how to do it right.

7 Tough Questions About Debt, Answered

These aren't the easy, make a plan and pay it off questions about debt. These are the ones that keep you up at night.

How to Keep DIY Projects From Ruining Your Life

Before you swing a wrecking ball through your hard-earned savings, you should decide if home improvement DIY is worth it at all.

How to Be a Superhero without Supernatural Abilities

A hero isn’t someone who wears a crimson cape. A hero is not someone who possesses super human strength. A hero is someone who consistently does amazing things over a lifetime.

7 Money Lessons Kids Can Learn From the Tooth Fairy

Turn your child's visit from the Tooth Fairy into a meaningful lesson on money.

An Open Invitation to PineCone Research

PineCone Research is one of the oldest and most respected online survey companies on the web. They pay very promptly for each survey you complete. I usually get my check within

5 Ways to Restart Your Resolutions This Spring

Winter is a tough time to set and achieve your goals. Here's how to revive them this spring — or anytime.

Cut Your Electric Bill With Solar Panels

Solar panels can reduce your electricity bill, increase your home's value, and reduce your carbon cost to the environment. Here's how to get started.

Tips For Eating Out Cheaply

My husband and I eat out quite often because we just do not have the time and energy to cook on most weekdays. Even though we go out three times a week or more, we do not really s

Small, Cheap Steps to Weight Loss

If you prefer baby steps to great strides, try these tips and tricks for cutting calories from your diet and burning off some extra pounds.

The First Step to Budgeting

Why do so many budgets fail? Because the first step to budgeting is omitted. When implemented correctly, it can make a huge difference. When the first step is neglected, intangible

8 Questions to Ask Contractors Before Hiring One

You're eager to start that home remodel, but don't skip out on grilling your contractor first.

25 Gifts That Save Money

Want to go a step beyond gifts that are useful? Every single one of the items on this list can help save money. Now THAT is a gift that keeps on giving.

Change Jars and 8 Other Clever Ways to Build an Emergency Fund

You don't need a windfall to kick-start your savings. These baby steps will do just fine.

Clutter-Free: The Zero-Accumulation Household

Examine the best ways to embrace a zero-accumulation lifestyle and live clutter-free!

11 Money Habits That Make You Look Financially Immature

You're an adult. It's time to start acting like one with your money.

The 10 Biggest Lies We Tell Ourselves About Money

Who are you trying to kid, anyway? Quit telling yourself these major money lies.