Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Facts Millennials Should Know About Retirement Planning

Retirement saving has never been easy, but for today's young adults, it seems impossible. Here's how to understand today's special saving challenges.

Best Money Tips: The Best Sites for Online Courses

Today we found articles on the best sites for online courses, how having a roommate may (or may not) save you money, and how to pack light for winter travel.

5 Alternative Housing Options You Can Afford

You don't have to live in a van by the river to cut your housing costs dramatically — instead, consider some nontraditional abodes, like these.

It's Never Too Late to Fix These 5 Money Mistakes From Your Past

Sure, you made a few money missteps in your youth. It's time to forgive yourself, move on, and tackle your finances like a grown up.

The Military's Four-Step Plan to Keeping Your Place Clean

There's no room in the armed forces for clutter and mess. Learn how to keep your place ship-shape with these secrets of military cleanliness.

10 Unexpected Home Uses for Mayonnaise

Mayo does more than make everything delicious. From cleaning to killing pests to giving you silky-soft hair, discover all the surprising uses for this condiment.

Find work worth doing

I worked at a non-profit--a local nature center--over the summer of 1979.  After we wrapped up our main task, those of us who wanted to were allowed stay on for the few weeks befor

6 Signs a Seller Should Pass on a Home Offer

Selling a home is hard work, but don't just take the first offer that knocks at the door.

6 Reasons to Love Your Bank

Banks (especially big banks) tend to be vilified in the media. But there are some very good reasons to be thankful we have them.

Sous Vide Is the Fancy Cooking Technique That Saves You Money, Too

The French know a thing or two about delicious, efficient cooking. Why not try sous vide in your own kitchen?

How to Use Bucket Budgeting to Overhaul Your Finances

Bucket budgeting brings the appeal of the classic envelope system to the modern age.

20 Bonkers Candy Corn Recipes

Give Halloween's most divisive treat a a delicious makeover with these 20 amazing candy corn recipes.

4 Brilliant Tips From "Smart Mom, Rich Mom"

Looking for ways to build wealth while raising a family? Look no further than Kimberly Palmer's new book, "Smart Mom, Rich Mom."

Flashback Friday: 52 Money Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

Making a few money mistakes in your 20s is fine, but these bonehead errors should really stop happening by your 30s and beyond.

Happy (Financial) Independence Day

Today, as we celebrate, let's take a vow to be financially independent.

You Can’t Save if You Don’t Try

There has been much discussion about whether certain money-saving strategies are worth your time. In a recent article in Parade Magazine, Tim Harford alerts us to “Bargains That A

Learn to Love Cooking (and Save!) With These 11 Kitchen Tricks

For those who enjoy cooking, the savings are an extra perk. But what if you don't enjoy it? You will, after you start doing these 11 things.

Score Your Dream Home With the Perfect Offer Letter

In a hot housing market, you want every trick up your sleeve to score your dream home. A heartfelt letter to the seller may be the key.

How to Spot a Credit Repair Scam

A reputable credit repair company can truly help you rebuild your credit. But beware — the scammers are out there.

5 Times It's Okay to Delay Retirement Savings

We'll just about never tell you to put off retirement savings. But in these extreme and temporary instances, it might be okay.