Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Learning Without the High Cost of Higher Education

College is a great way to get an education — but it's not the only way. These methods will help you learn more on the cheap.

How to hire employees

I worked one place that was much, much better than anyplace else I ever worked. The guy who ran it told me that the secret was in how to hire people. Most managers do it the wron

10 Ways to Revive Your Resolution to Exercise

If you're like most of us, you've lost your New Year's resolve to exercise more. Here are 10 ways to rekindle your motivation and restart your health kick.

6 Ways More Money Does Truly Lead to More Problems

You may think that life gets a whole lot easier when the wealth pours in, but the grass isn't always greener.

Should You Ever Pay Your Taxes With a Credit Card?

Tax day is almost here, and you may be tempted to pay Uncle Sam with plastic. But if you do, you're just trading cheap debt for expensive debt.

Do plastic baby bottles cause diabetes and heart disease?

What? Poisonous infant formula wasn't enough? Plastic baby bottles and the linings of canned food may be linked to diabetes, heart disease, and altered development in infants' brai

Suze Orman Tells Us To Pay ONLY The Minimum On Credit Cards. Wait, What?!

You’re not seeing things. This is not an April Fool’s gag (although if I’d written this last year it would have been). No, this is Suze Orman’s latest advice and it is a complete 1

10 Money Conversations You Must Have With Your Family

Skipping these key conversations will put your family's financial future at risk. Learn how to educate and protect your family today.

Twitter Can Save You Money with Deals and Coupons

Want a coupon to try out Yoplait Whips for free? Bargainbriana shared one on Twitter. How about a buy-one-get-one-free deal at Denny's? Coupondivas offered one on Twitter, as well.

6 Ways Meditation Can Make You a Money Master

Inner peace isn't just for your health. Mindfulness and patience could be the key to unlocking good financial management.

7 Skills Today's Employers Value Most

In today's world, a college degree will only get you so far. Here's what employers are really looking for.

Your Stressful Job May Be… Making You Healthier?

We all know that stress does not do a body good... Or does it?

7 Common Investing Mistakes

From beginner to seasoned expert, any investor can make these mistakes. Discover what they are so you can avoid them and maximize your returns.

11 Easy Memory Hacks

Start remembering more of the stuff that matters with this collection of simple — and surprising — memory enhancement tricks.

Best Money Tips: Legit Ways to Get Free Gas

Today we found articles on legit ways to get free gas, decorating hacks for renters, and cheap DIY solutions for summer skin care.

11 Ways a Professional Association Can Boost Your Career

A professional association is a great tool to make new friends, learn new things, and most importantly, boost your career.

23 Tips for Traveling With Pets

Traveling with a pet can be a challenge, but with the right itinerary and gear, everyone can enjoy the trip, whether they make it on two legs or four.

Turn Your Home Into a Rental in 9 Easy Steps

Whether it's your primary residence or a second, turning your place into someone else's rented abode is a great way to generate extra cash.

How to Make Your Own Popcorn

From butter-drenched microwaved kernels to old-fashioned stovetop kettle corn, here's how to make your own popped snack at home.

Getting Whole-Grain Nutrition

Whole grain? Whole wheat? Enriched? While they might all sound nutritious, they're far from equal. Learn how to get the most from your grains.