Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

It's Not Revenue If You Can't Collect It

There's nothing worse than having to chase down slow-paying customers. Oh wait, there is something worse: the ones who don't pay at all.

10 Unusual Ways to Cut Costs in the Office

The expenses that go with operating an office feel like they're very set, but if you're willing to think outside the box, there are some ways to reduce the money you spend.

Best Money Tips: How to Make a Great First Impression

Today we found some great articles on ways to make a great first impression, things that make you look dumb on Facebook, and money-saving DIY home repairs.

11 Ways to Stand Out at a Trade Show

Follow these trade show basics and make your next event memorable -- and profitable.

Here's How Much You'd Have Today if You'd Bought Bitcoins a Few Years Ago

The notorious crypto-currency is notoriously volatile. How much would you have today if you'd invested just $100 in Bitcoins a few years ago?

Get More for Your Old Treadmill by Bartering

If you have exercise equipment you're thinking of selling, hold up — you might be able to get more value for it by bartering.

What Is Procrastination Costing You?

"Later" is the busiest time of the day. "Tomorrow" looks even busier -- and costlier.

Cash Flow Solutions for Your Bottom Line

These cash flow solutions can help you get a better handle on your cash flow — and become more profitable.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Dating Tips for New Couples

Today we found some great articles on frugal dating tips for new couples, ways to make extra money, and dealing with financial uncertainty.

Couplehood: Avoiding the Valentine Clichés

Valentine's Day cliches are so been-there-done-that. How are you spicing up your gift to your sweetheart?

Fifteen Minutes of ...

One day when i was in fourth grade, my parents sat me down at the dining room table. Their faces were very concerned and it all seemed very serious; I thought I was in trouble. [more]

20% drop in US CD sales shows the power of the music fan

I don't like buying albums, for one reason. Most of the time, they're a mixed bag. Some great tunes, some good tunes, some poor tunes. That's why I love ITunes. I can cherry-pick the songs I like and leave the rest behind. 99 cents a song? [more]

4 Unexpected Costs of a Higher-Paying Job Offer

Accepting a higher-paying job offer is an automatic "yes," right? Not exactly — here's why you may want to turn the money down.

A Note on Consumer Justice

Remember my lamps? These lamps? I’m not surprised if you don’t—I mentioned th

Best Money Tips: Time-Saving Secrets of Laid-Back Cooks

Today we found time-saving secrets of laid-back cooks, over 25 ways to decorate pumpkins without carving, and the most affordable Caribbean vacation destinations.

How Rewards Cards Make Money

If you think you're gaming your credit card company, think again — you might be one of its biggest money makers. Learn how to avoid the trap.

They used to call it "loan workout"

It has never been unusual for borrowers to run into difficulty, and sometimes it becomes clear that a loan will never be repaid in full. The lender's job then is to recover as

Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 11/22, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Deals! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

Orange Makes You Buy More (and Other Sneaky Store Smell Tricks)

The smell of freshly bread wafting through the grocery might be more than just a scent — it could be part of a calculated plan to make you to spend more.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 2/14, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Date Night on a Budget! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!