Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

20 Great Uses for a Bandana

From survival first aid to home decor, a colorful, inexpensive bandana is as versatile as it is cheap. Learn more about what a square of cotton cloth can do.

Best Money Tips: Tax Secrets of the Rich

Today we found articles on tax secrets of the rich, ways to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle, and household chores you should outsource.

9 Ways to Protect Your Luggage on Your Next Trip

Keep your luggage safe on your next trip with these tips.

5 Friend Types That Can Hurt Your Finances

Your friends can affect your finances for better or worse. Find out which money personalities to watch out for.

These 5 Famous Animals Earned More Than You

Learning just how much money these celebrity animals make will both impress you and depress you.

Best Money Tips: How to Clean Your Car Like a Pro

Today we found some great articles on the best professional car cleaning tips, ways global warming may affect your finances, and small kitchen appliances you don’t really need.

How to Stop Those Annoying Robocalls

Sick of the receiving an endless number of robocalls when you're just trying to live your life? We have good news for you.

20 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Cheap Spring Roll Wrappers at Every Meal

Egg rolls are the new burritos. And no matter what's inside, it's delicious.

Watch Out for These 5 Sneaky 401K Fees

Don't let fees and plan costs sap your 401K earnings. Watch out for these five hidden retirement fees.

The 5 Best Hair Growth Products for Men

The truth is that science still hasn't found a miracle hair growth serum, but these five hair regrowth products will help men with thinning hair.

10 Ways to Repair a Burned Bridge

We've all ended a work or personal relationship badly. Mend a broken connection and you'll regain a valued friend or a colleague -- forever this time.

8 Things That Are Cheaper to Replace Than to Fix

Cheap modern manufacturing means that for a lot of the stuff in our lives, buying new is often cheaper than fixing old.

7 Ways Millennials Are Better With Money Than You Are

Millennials are getting smart about their spending and saving habits — smarter, even, than you.

How Long Does it Take Break Even With a Home ReFi?

Refinancing your mortgage can be a sound financial move. But how do you figure out when you'll break even? Let's crunch numbers.

5 Creative Uses for Stale Cereal

Don't toss out that stale breakfast cereal! Instead, check out these ways to ensure that none of it goes to waste.

Ask the Readers: What Is on Your Summer Bucket List?

Tell us about your summer bucket list and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Turn Your Instagram Account Into a Paying Gig

Instagram isn't just for pics of your daily latte and your adorable cat. You can make money with it, too!

The 5 Best Blow Dryers

You can let nature dry your hair on its own, or you can shape your locks according to your whim with one of these five best hair dryers. Your choice!

The 5 Best Debt Tracking Systems

Using any of these debt tracking systems, you'll have a much easier time paying off your debt once and for all.

6 Reasons You're Still Struggling to Pay Bills

You're making decent money and not obviously wasting it. So why are you still on thin ice by bill-paying day?