Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to get rich by being evil

There are a lot of ways to become rich. Some people work hard and save their money. Some people win the lottery. Some people invent something wonderfully useful. An awful lot o

15 Frugal Ways to Battle Boredom

The next time you're listless, grumpy, or just plain bored, follow these suggestions to spend your time, rather than spending money.

8 Things That Are Cheaper to Replace Than to Fix

Cheap modern manufacturing means that for a lot of the stuff in our lives, buying new is often cheaper than fixing old.

You Are What You Do: 16 Ways to Improve Your Body Language

Communication goes far beyond what you say. Here are 16 ways to improve your body language — and hence your communication skills.

8 Ways to Lower Your Vet Bills

Just because your pets are beloved family members doesn't mean you should go broke paying for their medical needs.

The 5 Best Blow Dryers

You can let nature dry your hair on its own, or you can shape your locks according to your whim with one of these five best hair dryers. Your choice!

4 Countries Where You Can Live on $1,000 a Month

High rent costs and living expenses got you down? Living in any of these countries will set you back just $1,000 a month.

6 Reasons You're Still Struggling to Pay Bills

You're making decent money and not obviously wasting it. So why are you still on thin ice by bill-paying day?

7 Modern Reasons to Visit Your Local Library Today

The library isn't just a building full of old books. You can have a whole lotta fun there — for free!

Ask the Readers: Who Inspires You?

Tell us who inspires you and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Ways to Deal When You Work With Someone You Hate

Every place you have ever worked will have that one person you cannot stand. How do you deal with them without losing your sanity? Here's how.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Stay Active When It's Cold Out?

Tell us how you stay active when it's cold out and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Retirement Struggles Nobody Talks About — And How to Beat Them

Retirement is tough on our money. But with proper planning, many money struggles won't come as a surprise.

10 Fun Money Reads to Take to the Beach

Off to the beach and need something to read? Don't leave home without one of these 10 wise and witty reads about money.

Are poor folks and the middle class on the same side?

Rational people try to buy what they need at the cheapest price they can find. There's a contrary argument, though, that holds that it's "shooting themselves in the foot" for poor

Tips for Shopping at Estate Sales

A cousin of the garage sale, estate sales are a great way to find hidden treasure. Learn what to do (and not do) to find the best deals.

How to Keep Your Job Hunt From Busting Your Budget

You want to go all out in your job search, but you don't want to go broke in the process.

4 Easy Ways to Start Saving for a Down Payment on a Home

Even the humblest of down payments will eat up a sizable savings account. How can you put together a down payment on a home that won't break you?

11 Freelance Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well

Freelancers don't always have to struggle to pull in a decent income. Some side gigs actually pay well.