Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 New Reasons You Need an Emergency Fund

You've heard it all before: You need an emergency fund. See if these new persuaders don't convince you.

How the rich stay rich; a lesson in lateral thinking

A friend recently told me the story of how a millionaire thinks. Not every millionaire of course, just one in particular. It's ingenius, as you will discover. But it really mad

10 Fun Money Reads to Take to the Beach

Off to the beach and need something to read? Don't leave home without one of these 10 wise and witty reads about money.

Ask the Readers: What Has Been Your Best Investment Yet?

Tell us about your best investment and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Ways to Get Over Rejection

Whether it's a job, a relationship, a big purchase, nobody likes being rejected. Understand rejection's ancient roots and learn how to overcome it.

How to Sell a Home Without a Traditional Agent

Real estate agents take a hefty commission from your home sale. Want to avoid that financial hit? You can sell your home without a traditional agent.

7 Easy First Steps to Paying Off Debt

Facing debt can be overwhelming. Where do you start? These simple steps will start you on the path to repayment.

What Does Your Personal Guarantee On a Business Credit Card Mean?

A credit card for your small business can be a great way to manage expenses (and earn rewards). There's just one catch.

7 Times Travel Insurance Is Worth It

Is travel insurance worth it? In these cases, the answer is definitely yes.

Breakdown of Benefits and Value of the Best Hotel Rewards Programs and Credit Cards

If you're wondering which hotel loyalty program and credit card offers the most benefits and best value, we've got the breakdown for you.

Going Off the Grid Is a Lot Harder Than You Think

You may hear folks long for the simpler days of living "off-grid." But it wasn't necessarily that much simpler after all.

10 Reasons an HSA Is Actually Worth Having

Don't be intimidated by an HSA! These handy health care savings vehicles are totally worth your while.

10 Refillable Things That Will Save You Cash

Free refills? Not exactly. But whether you're at home, the coffeeshop, or the office, these 10 refillable, reusable things will help you save lots of money.

The ultimate frugal vacation

Summer is coming up, and it is a great time to take a little break from work and relax. The recession may have put a damper on many people's vacation plans, but there is a way you

7 Ways to Earn Extra Money With Your Car

Think about it. Your car just sits there, losing value, for hours and hours every day. Turn it into a money-maker instead.

9 Common Mistakes You're Making With Your Checking Account

If your checking account has enough money in it to cover your bills, it's all good, right?

Real Estate Investing Is Cheaper and Easier Than You Think

Investing in real estate can seem complicated, expensive, and risky. Truth is, even the average small investor can do it. Here's what you need to know.

5 Things You Shouldn't Order on Amazon

Not so fast on that mouse-button, frequent Amazon shopper -- the ginormous Internet retailer doesn't always offer the best price. It still pays to shop around.

25 Ways to Communicate Better Today

Getting your point across (and understanding the points that others are making) is one of the most important skills you can master. Learn how to do it better.

Failed Frugality: 5 Clues You’ve Gone Too Far

For most people, frugality is a lifestyle choice born out of necessity. A lost job, increase in expenses, or a battle with debt has forced them to take extreme measures to balance