Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

11 Attractive Standing Desks You Can Actually Afford

If you've thought about switching to a standing desk but have been put off by the price (or the appearance), consider this collection of affordable, attractive designs.

This Is How Donald Trump Builds Wealth (and You Can Too)

Donald Trump learned about the importance of cash flow the hard way. Read on to learn from his very expensive mistakes!

10 Countries Where Banks Pay Crazy Interest Rates

If you think the interest rates of American banks are wacky, wait until you take a look at rates in these other countries.

8 Unexpected Costs of Selling a Home

Everyone knows buying a home is expensive. You might not realize selling a home can cost a pretty penny, too.

8 Tips for Going Back to School as an Adult

There's a lot more life in the way when you return to school as an adult. Here's a crash course in making it work.

The 9 Everyday Products With the Biggest Markups

Skip these high markup everyday buys and choose cheaper alternatives — or use the knowledge to negotiate harder and save.

With Micro-Investing, Your Smartphone Pays YOU

If investing in the stock market puts you on edge, micro-investing with these three apps can help build your nest egg.

The Piggy Bank: A Secret to Simple Saving

When I was a sophomore in college, my dad gave me a piggy bank for Hanukkah. I couldn't figure it out at first — had my dad forgotten that I was all grown up and didn't need a pigg

These At-Home Exercises Will Give You a Gym-Quality Workout for Free

If the gym membership was a casualty of your war on spending, you don't have to suffer flabby abs. Get fit at home with these great routines.

Get It Done: How to Measure Your Goals

How can you achieve your goals if you don’t even know how to measure them? Learn how to quantify your goals and accomplish more.

This Is When It Pays to Stay Loyal to a Rewards Credit Card

Staying loyal to a particular rewards credit card can be risky, but it can also pay off if you know how to play the game. This is how to win.

How to Win a Fraud Dispute With Your Credit Card Company

Thanks to the Fair Credit Billing Act, the law's on your side when it comes to fraudulent card account charges. Here's how to protect your rights (and your wallet).

10 Smartphone Apps That Can Help You in an Emergency

When you're in a dire situation, an app on your phone might be the thing to save you.

10 Ways to Spot a Motivated Seller

The housing market is currently red-hot, but that doesn't mean you can't strike a deal. Keep your eyes peeled for signs a seller really wants to sell.

Budget Bride: 131 Savvy Ways to Cut Wedding Costs

Yes, you CAN have a beautiful, magical wedding that doesn't traumatize your bank account. Check out this massive list of ways to cut down on costs.

5 Money Accomplishments You Should Be Proud Of

Don't beat yourself up over the financial challenges ahead. Be proud of what you've already accomplished.

How to Clear Old Debt From Your Credit Report

Old debts can clutter up the path to an otherwise clean credit report. It's time to do a little cleaning.

12 Things You Need to Stop Doing Today to Be a Better Friend

What do we value most in life? Family and friends. Keep and strengthen those precious bonds by avoiding these common relationship-busters.

5 Budget Overhaul Tricks for the Recently Unemployed

The moment you lose a job, you need to make sure your budget reflects that major change.

9 Travel Destinations for Introverts

Escape the madding crowd even while exploring some of the world's most popular destinations by seeking out nearby roads less traveled.