Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Everything New Parents Need to Know About College Savings

Diapers and formula aren't the only costs to consider when adding to your family. You'd better start thinking about college, too.

Not Rich Enough and Not Poor Enough

Most of my highschool classmates came from middle class families that were not extremely rich. During senior year, I noticed a situation where families were not wealthy enough to

Use only what you need

That’s the advice from a beautifully-executed campaign from Denver Water, right here in my own backyard of Colorado. The campaign (created by Sukle Advertising, a very smart, strat

Start an Investment Deathmatch to Find the Best Investments

Get your investments ready to rumble. A deathmatch is a fun way to see which funds are making you the most money.

11 Open House Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow

You may be excited about finding your dream home, but you still need to mind your manners at an open house.

Spice Up the Conversation by Skipping "What Do You Do?"

The next time you meet someone new, don't do the usual and ask, "So, what do you do?" Instead, ask, "What excites you?"

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

A Comprehensive Guide to the Envelope System

Whether you're intimidated by budgeting or are just looking for a new technique, the simple and effective envelope system can make budgeting oh-so-easy.

Debt repayment is not an expense

Over and over again, in budgeting articles and even books on personal finance, I see sample budgets that include debt repayment as if it were an expense. This shows a fundamental

How Keeping Up With the Joneses Can Actually Save You Money

Your budget can easily go off the rails if you're spending money just to keep pace with your friends, but in some cases, it can actually help you save.

Highest Paying Jobs for People Who Love Kids

Working with kids requires a big heart and a lot of patience. But it doesn't necessarily require a small paycheck.

8 Things Millennials Can Do Right Now for an Early Retirement

When you're young, retirement may seem too far off to matter. But wouldn't it be nice to retire early?

Your Car Was Recalled. Now What?

A car recall can be scary. Here's what to do if that letter comes in the mail.

How to Build a Side Business While Keeping Your Day Job

You're ready to start a small business, but not quite ready to quit your day job. With a little smart planning, you can do both.

10 Smart Ways to Keep Your Clothes Looking New

You've stocked your capsule wardrobe with smart, versatile looks. Now keep them looking that way, season after season.

How to Keep Home Improvement Projects From Busting Your Budget

You might have a set home improvement budget, but scope creep can easily bust it wide open. Here's how to prevent that.

The 5 Best Board Games for Adults

Board games have come a long way since the days of Monopoly, Chess, and Scrabble. Play any of these games with your friends and you'll have a blast.

Dumbest packaging ever?

I tend to believe that American consumers are savvier than advertisers and marketers give us credit for. That's why I don't understand why marketers waste so much time trying to se

30 Easy Ways to Unstick Something That's Stuck

Need a sticky label removed? A frozen zipper released? Before you run off to buy a pricey chemical "remover," try these common household unstickers first.

10 Awesome Money-Making Hobbies

Have fun and keep your wallet full with one of these enjoyable, profit-turning hobbies.