Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Free Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day

Making your mother feel appreciated shouldn't mean buying lots of stuff. Discover scores of free (or almost free) ways to celebrate that special lady.

Great Ways to Get Calcium

Everyone knows that milk is an excellent source of calcium, but not everyone drinks it. Here are other great ways to get calcium without the milk mustache.

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Baby Expenses

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save on baby expenses, being smart about buying daily deals, and how to save money buying a used car.

6 Steps to a Good Hire

Making the decision to hire -- or fire -- is never easy. Here's a step-by-step process to take some of the guesswork out of it.

How to Leverage an Economy of Giving and Profit

Digital distribution of gifts offers small businesses an almost free way to reach new customers. Go ahead, give it away.

How To Create A Professional Online Image At Low To No Cost

The KISS rule (Keep It Simple, Stupid) worked in high school math and it works in online branding, too.

Does Your Business Need a Crisis Response Plan?

It's never to early to create a crisis management plane. All too often, we wait until it's too late.

Best Money Tips: Organic Groceries on a Budget

Today we found some great articles how to shop organic on a budget, 1-minute habits that will improve your day, and ways to make household items last longer.

7 Unexpected Ways Stay-at-Home Parents Save Big

Staying home with the kids means less income — and big savings, too. Find out how stay-at-home tops 9-to-5 when it comes to spending less.

How To Become A Better Boss In 10 Minutes

Your employees are looking for leadership. Teach them something useful to their careers and you'll be demonstrating it.

How To Claim Your Online Identity and Keep It Relevant

Online services such as Google Places and Yelp include details about your business whether you ask them to or not. Here's how to claim those listings as your own.

Best Money Tips: What Successful People Do To Maximize Their Time

Today we found some great articles on things that successful people do to maximize their time, possible causes for your high bills, and ways to keep promises with yourself.

5 Easy Ways to Add $50 to Your Pocket

Hey, we'd all like some extra cash. Try these five simple tricks, each of which can make your wallet $50 fatter.

Now is The Time to Buy: Skis, Winter Coats, Candy

Save big on the winter necessities by knowing the best times to hit the store.

The Straight Talk on Working From Home

Working from home has its perks, but it's definitely not for everyone. Learn the truth, and then decide if you REALLY want to work from home.

Poem on opting out

A while back I wrote a piece on Opting out of the money economy, a topic I've long been interested in. Because of that long inte

How Inconvenience Helped Me Save Money

When one writer's local grocery store closed, she learned about planning, convenience, and how driving further can sometimes also mean spending less.

Give Two Laptops for the Price of One

Until November 26th, this program allows you to order the revolutionary XO laptop, only now bein

Best Money Tips: Nice Things to Do for People That Won't Cost Much

Today we found some awesome articles on nice things to do for people that don't cost much, gifts that keep giving, and handling holiday parties professionally.

Best Money Tips: 216 Affordable Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Today we found some awesome articles on 216 gifts for everyone on your list, frugal lunch ideas, and reasons to list or buy a home in December.