Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Poverty Makes You Stupid

Whether you're short money or time, the lack impairs your ability to think clearly and find abundance. A new way of looking at scarcity may offer a way out.

Which Airline Loyalty Program Has the Best Value for Their Miles?

Just how much is an airline mile worth? It depends on the airline — and the credit card.

9 More Supposedly Healthy Things That Are Actually Hurting You

It seems like health "dos" and "don'ts" change daily. How many of these former "dos" are you still doing?

10 Ways to Age Well for $0

Good news! Some of the best ways to access the fountain of youth are completely free.

How to Determine If Your Finances Are Ready for a Big Purchase

A home, a car, the latest pricey gadget — before you commit to buying, you better make sure you can afford such a large purchase.

Cool & funky things I found FREE on Craigslist

It's amazing what people will throw away these days. Or give away. And that's why I'm a huge fan of Craigslist . [more]

The 8 Best Ways to Save on Back-to-School Supplies Right NOW

Is it already time to start thinking about back to school? It is if you want to save money!

Can I Eat This? A Quick Guide to Expiration Dates and Food Safety

Food waste costs consumers billions every year, and the culprit is confusion about expiration dates. Find out what you can still eat, no matter what the carton says.

10 Ways You Disrespect Your Money

Look after your money and it'll look after you. Mistreat it, and it'll do the same to you.

The 5 Best Digital Food Scales

When trying to eat healthy, the right tools make it easy. Just use any of these digital food scales and your goal weight will be within your reach.

5 Big Brands Making the World a Better Place

Next time you're ready to spend some cash, try shopping these brands. The dollars you spend there will go toward making the world a better place.

8 Giveaways That People Were Just Talking About You

Our ears aren't actually very reliable when it comes to sensing gossip and busybodies. Here's what to look for instead of toasty earlobes.

When You Should and Shouldn't Rent

There are many great debates in the world: The chicken or the egg? John or Paul? Should you rent or not? This helps answer one of those.

7 Things You Need to Know About Investing in Company Stock

Your employer is offering you company stock. Is it a good idea to pad your portfolio with it?

Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Stay on Schedule

Today we found smart ways to stay on schedule, ways to stretch your employee benefits dollars, and surprising things you can do with tea bags.

Best Money Tips: Things You Can Do Yourself Instead of Paying a Pro

Today we found articles on things you can do yourself instead of hiring a pro, ways to save at Disney World, and common mistakes you make when washing your face.

5 Things Tax Preparers Should Tell You

Knowing the right questions to ask can help you get better advice and bigger refunds.

3 Smart Ways Young Millionaires Manage Their Money

Even if you aren't lucky enough to be a young millionaire, you can still learn a thing or two about money from the filthy rich under 40 set.

10 Fantastic Facts About Eggs

You know that they're edible; now learn why these frugal sources of protein are incredible.

8 Tips for Planning a Last-Minute Wedding

Not everyone has the luxury of time when it comes to weddings. Learn how to navigate the process in a hurry without sacrificing the joy or blowing the budget.