Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Getting Your Travel Rewards on the Ground

You've wrung every mile out of your frequent flyer program. Now wring every cent out of your other rewards programs for your hotel, rental car, and more.

What to Eat Every Day: A Month of Frugal Meals

Planning ahead and cooking at home are two of the best ways to save money. Do both with this guide to one month of tasty, frugal meals.

12 Subtle Signs You'd Make a Good Boss

Are you a manager in disguise? These subtle signs say yes.

How to Avoid Getting Your Credit Card Canceled

Find out why your credit card could be canceled on you without notice, and tips to help avoid it.

5 Tax Scams You Should Know About for 2018

Don't hand your tax refund over to fraudsters. Watch out for these common and costly tax scams.

7 Reasons You're Never Too Old to Buy Stocks

You'll outgrow a lot of things as you age. Stocks won't be one of them.

Your Small Business Needs an Emergency Fund, Too

Emergency can strike your small business just as it can your personal life. Protect all you've worked for with a business emergency fund.

254 Uses for Vinegar. And Counting.

I began hearing whispers of the incredible versatility of vinegar. So I did some research. I was shocked!

10 Self-Improvement Apps to Make You Smarter, Stronger, and Happier

Want to develop healthier habits? Become the Six Million Dollar You with the help of these 10 cheap (or free!) self-improvement apps.

Are we too clean for our own good?

Science has proven that exposure to germs and dirt helps build up a strong immune system. Don't waste your money on bacterial soaps and wipes - they're just coddling your immune sy

What Job Hunters Should Really Look for in a Job Offer

Taco Tuesday has a nice ring to it, but it won't help boost your bottom line. Look for a job with perks that really matter.

7 Ways to Tell If That Used Car Used to Be an Uber

Uber and Lyft drivers sell their cars just like the rest of us. Here's how to tell if you're about to buy one.

5 Times Personal Loans May Be Better Than Credit Cards

Sometimes getting a personal loan is a better choice than using your credit cards.

5 Ways Freelancers Can Promote Their Work Without Social Media

You don't need to stay plugged in to social media to promote your freelance career. Try these other ways to reel in clients.

How to Save for Retirement While Caring for Kids and Parents

In between caring for your parents and your kids, you need to care for yourself, too — especially your financial future self.

8 Signs You Need a Social Media Detox

Social media is fun, until it becomes your whole life. If you can relate, it might be time for a social media detox.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Summer Parties?

Tell us about how you save on summer parties and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Like to Shop the Most?

Tell us where you like to shop the most and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A Secured Credit Card Can Repair Your Credit Score — Here's How to Pick the Best

A secured credit card can help improve your creditworthiness, but some secured cards do more harm than good. Here's how to choose one that's right for you.

The 5 Best Home Safes

Keeping your money and other valuables protected isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these home safes and your stuff will be safely tucked away from thieving hands.