Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Reasons Your Home Isn't Selling

If your house for sale is floating in market limbo, it might be time to examine these potential reasons why it's not selling.

7 ways to spot a social media snake oil salesperson

Sure, you'd like to boost your online presence and make money on the Internet. But just like pyramid schemes attract the greedy and fad diets interest the desperate, many social me

35 Bizarre Things You Can Be Taxed On

Uncle Sam always seems to have his hand out — and even expects a cut for these 35 off-the-wall things.

Throw an Awesome Potluck Dinner With These 6 Easy Tricks

You don't have to break the bank to throw an awesome dinner party. Throw the ultimate potluck by staying organized and minding your spend.

Find the Investing Style That's Right for You

Risk and reward go hand in hand, but how do you pick the investment strategy for your needs? Brush up on the basics before you buy.

21 Real Estate Terms Every Home Buyer Should Understand

If you're thinking about buying a home, get up to speed on these key terms and concepts before you visit your first open house.

16 Time and Money Saving Apps for Freelancers

Starting a freelance career is daunting, but this collection of apps and online services will take the fear out of invoicing, file storage, and a lot more!

Does Skill Really Matter in Stock Market Investing?

Some claim a successful investment portfolio is pure luck. Others say it's skill. Which is it?

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Resolutions for 2014?

Tell us about your 2014 resolutions and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Tactics of the rich

There are things the rich do that working class and middle class folks don't. Some of them--living off the return on capital rather than wages or salary--are only available to the

Save Over $100 a Year by Shaving with a Cutthroat Razor

I despise paying the ridiculous prices Gillette and the like charge for razor cartridges. It seems as though the prices are directly aligned with the number of extra blades they pu

Prepaid Cards About to Get Safer and Better

New consumer protection rules for prepaid cards will help protect you from theft, fraud, and unreasonable fees.

9 Places to Go to Beat the Summer Heat

From pools to libraries and much more, stay cool without raising your electric bill by visiting one of these inexpensive (or free!) spots.

Slow DRIP into investing

My first-ever individual stock holding was a Duke Power (now Duke Energy) share that I acquired through its Dividend Reinvestment Plan or DRIP. [more]

I'm Fleeing The Country For Healthcare!

It’s all the buzz lately as healthcare costs rise, and especially after Michael Moore’s SICKO caught the attention of the masses. Those of us not living in places where everyone

10 Jobs That Robots Can't Do, Yet

It seems like every day, robots take over more jobs. But for now, these career fields are safe.

What to Expect After These 5 Personal Financial Disasters

When a financial crisis hits, it helps to know exactly what to expect — and how to bounce back.

How to Get a Refund When Something Is Non-Refundable

The terms "non-refundable" and "non-returnable" make too many people avoid customer service. But with these tips, you can get results.

Home Maintenance and Repair: What's an Emergency and What Can Wait?

If you're budget is tight and you have home repairs on the horizon, use this list to determine which projects can wait and which ones need your immediate attention.

How Much Should You Have Saved for Retirement by 30? 40? 50?

You know you should be saving for retirement — and saving a lot. Betcha' didn't know you needed to save this much!