When you’re in debt, it’s nearly impossible to save money. The money you save while paying off debt is not likely to earn as much interest as the interest you pay towards your debt
Most of us have a 401k account with our employer. But there are people who've decided not to participate in their employer's retirement program for a variety of reasons. But imagi
What if the we suddenly stopped celebrating every single birthday in our lives, and instead concentrated on just the important ones? Would you care? Would you support it? I’ll tell
Making sure your clothes are always wrinkle-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these clothing steamers your clothes will remain perfectly pressed.
Last year when I shared my techniques for holiday shopping with "fake money," many of you wanted to try it. Well...let's get going! Here are some new ideas for generating fake mone
My passion for bike riding and general common sense as a driver helped me navigate my town's busy streets and traffic clogged arteries. There were a few safety items I had to keep
In advertising, not everything is as it seems. Watch out for these phrases; if they're being used, you should reconsider the purchase you're about to make.
If you don't want to break the bank getting ready for your new baby, check this list for the items that are truly essential — and those that can be ignored.
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Get Out of Debt First, Then Focus on Saving
When you’re in debt, it’s nearly impossible to save money. The money you save while paying off debt is not likely to earn as much interest as the interest you pay towards your debt
4 Ways to Buy a House Without a Mortgage
No mortgage? No problem. You can still purchase the home of your dreams.
How to Make the Most of Your 401K
Most of us have a 401k account with our employer. But there are people who've decided not to participate in their employer's retirement program for a variety of reasons. But imagi
Flashback Friday: 38 Money Lessons We Can Learn From Celebrities
Rich and famous celebs are rich and famous for a reason. Here are some of their brilliant bits of financial wisdom.
To Buy or Not to Buy? Criteria for Thrift-Store Clothes Shopping
Do you enjoy thrift-store shopping? Here are tips for what to buy, and what NOT to.
Only Celebrate A Few Select Birthdays
What if the we suddenly stopped celebrating every single birthday in our lives, and instead concentrated on just the important ones? Would you care? Would you support it? I’ll tell
The 5 Best Clothing Steamers
Making sure your clothes are always wrinkle-free isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these clothing steamers your clothes will remain perfectly pressed.
How to Save Without Goals
Basic plans for saving and investing that don't require use of a formal financial plan with specific goals.
Best Money Tips: Easy Habits That Make You Smarter
Today we found articles on habits that will make you smarter, creative DIY Christmas ornaments, and junk around the house that you can sell on eBay.
12 Things People With Good Communication Skills Never Do
If you want to engage the people you’re talking with instead of making them tune out, you must avoid these 12 things.
Top 10 "Unusual" Uses For Duct Tape
From wallets to emergency sunglasses and even boats, duct tape really can fix (or make) almost anything.
6 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Mold on Common Household Items
Yuck mold — and it's everywhere! Get rid of it while keeping your stuff with some easy cleaning tricks.
Christmas Shopping With Fake Money: Time to Get Started
Last year when I shared my techniques for holiday shopping with "fake money," many of you wanted to try it. Well...let's get going! Here are some new ideas for generating fake mone
Bicycling Safety in the City
My passion for bike riding and general common sense as a driver helped me navigate my town's busy streets and traffic clogged arteries. There were a few safety items I had to keep
Want Your Investments to Do Better? Stop Watching the News
If you want to be a better investor, consider stepping away from the market "news."
Advertising Jargon That Aims to Mislead
In advertising, not everything is as it seems. Watch out for these phrases; if they're being used, you should reconsider the purchase you're about to make.
Buying Gifts for a Family with Many Children
When a first child is born, the celebrations abound. By the time the third and fourth arrive, people seem to care less. Should they?
Masters of Small Talk Never Do These 10 Things — Do You?
Unless you're a meteorologist, a quip about the weather will kill a conversation before it starts. Learn that and nine other small talk never dos.
10 Reasons to Drink Tea
Tea can wake you up or calm you down, cool you in summer and warm you in winter. If you don't already drink the steeped stuff, here's why you should.
What a New Baby Really Needs
If you don't want to break the bank getting ready for your new baby, check this list for the items that are truly essential — and those that can be ignored.