If you're looking for a way to get out of debt fast, a spending fast might be right for you. Discover this somewhat extreme (but very effective) technique.
What can a dollar buy you these days? Certainly not a gallon of gas, which it could have done 6 years ago. Anyway, this idea actually came out of a lunchtime chat with some friends. [more]
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Take an Imaginary Do-Over
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25 Ways to Get Motivated Today
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The 5 Best Blackout Curtains
Sleeping when the sun is up isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these blackout curtains and the sun will never disturb your snooze again.
254 Uses for Vinegar. And Counting.
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5 Estate Planning Questions Everyone Should Ask
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How to Do a Spending Fast in 16 (Easy!) Steps
If you're looking for a way to get out of debt fast, a spending fast might be right for you. Discover this somewhat extreme (but very effective) technique.
Ask These 8 Questions to Get a Better Price
A little haggling can go a long way, especially if you ask the right questions. Try these and save some extra cash!
How to Use Bucket Budgeting to Overhaul Your Finances
Bucket budgeting brings the appeal of the classic envelope system to the modern age.
The Straight Talk on Working From Home
Working from home has its perks, but it's definitely not for everyone. Learn the truth, and then decide if you REALLY want to work from home.
7 Things Successful Millennials Do
Today's twenty-somethings face their own set of financial and career challenges, but the path to success has been the same for generations.
101 things to do with a $1 bill.
What can a dollar buy you these days? Certainly not a gallon of gas, which it could have done 6 years ago. Anyway, this idea actually came out of a lunchtime chat with some friends. [more]
7 Ways to Rent An Apartment With Bad Credit
Bad or low credit makes everything hard — even renting an apartment. Here's how you can still find a place when your credit is weak.
11 Ways to Make Money While at the Beach This Summer
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Start with recurring monthly expenses
I tend to divide spending up into four categories. [more]
25 Frugal Ways to "Pay It Forward"
Paying it forward — doing something nice for someone else — makes that person feel great AND improves your day. Here's how to do it frugally.