Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Things You Do to Save Money That End Up Costing You More

Sometimes, what we think we're doing to save money actually costs us a lot more. Make sure you're not making one of these "saving" mistakes.

5 Things Never to Bring Up in a Job Interview

Ready to ace that job interview? Of course you are, but just be sure you don't bring up one of these no-no topics.

8 Best Hobbies for Introverts

Who says you have to be a social butterfly to have fun? These great hobbies are perfect for introverts.

Are Starter Homes Still a Thing?

Starter homes used to be the norm. But in today's housing market, you might not need those homeowner training wheels.

The 5 Best 9 Volt Batteries

If your battery-powered appliances are fading fast, quality 9 volt batteries are what you need. Upgrade to one of these next time you need to replace them.

I Love Tax Season (and Why It's Like Christmas)

I have a confession to make: I love tax season. Not just the days when I do my taxes or when I file my taxes or get a chunk of change deposited to my account, but the entire Tax S

Reverse Bucket List: Look Back Before Looking Forward

Before you make a “bucket list” of things you want to do in life, don't skip this vital first step — it could be the key to happiness.

7 Ways to Negotiate Medical Bills

Don't ignore a hefty medical bill. If you think there might be an error, or you can't afford to pay, it's time to negotiate.

7 Ways Millennials Are Better With Money Than You Are

Millennials are getting smart about their spending and saving habits — smarter, even, than you.

How Safe Is Craigslist?

Craigslist can be a great resource. But if well-publicized stories about scams and other dangerous activities have you worried, follow these tips to keep safe.

Ask the Readers: Are You Taking a Vacation This Summer?

Tell us if you are taking a vacation this summer and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Borrowing from Friends: The Friendship Killer

Friendships are regularly damaged or lost from loans going sour. These are loans that were given and received with the best of intentions, yet few friendships can bear this pressur

The Secret Flight Search Site Savvy Travelers Use

ITA Flight Matrix might be the best flight search service you've never heard of. Learn how to use it to find the cheapest airfare anywhere.

Successful New Year's Resolutions Have This One Thing in Common — Does Yours?

There's no trick to keeping a New Year's resolution and there's nothing complicated about it, either. Learn what it takes to make yours stick.

5 Reasons Not to Delete Your Emails

One writer has found that keeping her emails has saved her time, frustration, and recently, over $300. Discover why a full inbox can be a good thing.

How New Grads Can Protect Their Credit

As a new grad, you have a lot on your financial plate. Nothing is more important than protecting your credit.

Yes, You Still Need an Emergency Fund in Retirement

An emergency fund isn't just for the working world. You need to bring one into retirement, too.

The 11 Best Websites for Renting Your Extra Space

Turn to the Internet for fast, simple, and safe ways to get your rental property in front of the right audience.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Enjoy Most About the Holidays?

Tell us what you enjoy most about the holidays and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

4 Quick Ways to Decide if a Company Is Worth Your Investment

You don't have to be an insider to glean valuable insights about a company. These four public sources of info can tell you a lot of what you need to know before you invest.