Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Declutter Your Home in 10 Minutes

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by your rising heaps of clutter. Bring order to your chaos and keep your home clean with this simple technique.

The End of the 4% Rule?

There's a rule of thumb that's pretty well known to retirement planners: the 4% rule. That rule is starting to look kind of iffy.

First Progress Platinum Secured Credit Cards: 3 Strong Cards to Choose From

First Progress offers not one, but three options in their line of secured Platinum Mastercards to help you rebuild your credit.

5 Facts Millennials Should Know About Retirement Planning

Retirement saving has never been easy, but for today's young adults, it seems impossible. Here's how to understand today's special saving challenges.

7 Investments That Usually Soar During the Summer

The stock market doesn't always lag in the summertime and these seven sectors remind that it's not always wise to "go away in May."

5 Essential Tools for Telecommuting

Working from home is great — especially if you have the right tools to make a seamless transition from office to house.

Do You Know How Dirty Your Money Is?

You use money often, but have you ever considered what kinds of nasty bacteria are living on its surface? The answer is not for the squeamish.

The Fair Way to Split Up Your Family's Estate

A rock-solid will isn't only for your peace of mind — it's for your heirs' peace of mind, too.

Airline Credit Card or Flexible Rewards Card: What's the Best Way to Earn a Free Flight?

You can take to the skies for free with an airline credit card or a flexible rewards card. Which is right for you?

How Families Can Earn and Use Travel Rewards

As a solo traveler, you may have your travel rewards strategy down pat. But what about when you're planning to bring the family?

Why You Should Never Buy Souvenirs

Souvenirs are a nightmare for the frugal traveler. From high markups to exploitative labor, souvenirs are a lousy way to bring travel memories home.

Tactics of the rich

There are things the rich do that working class and middle class folks don't. Some of them--living off the return on capital rather than wages or salary--are only available to the

Who to Hire: A Financial Planner or a Financial Adviser?

Believe it or not, financial advisers and financial planners are not the same thing!

15 Delicious Ways to Prepare Frozen Broccoli

Packed with vitamins C and K, broccoli is a powerful anti-oxidant. When prepared one of these 15 ways, inexpensive frozen broccoli becomes a powerful appetite stimulant.

7 Ways to Rent An Apartment With Bad Credit

Bad or low credit makes everything hard — even renting an apartment. Here's how you can still find a place when your credit is weak.

25 Ways to Boost Creativity

Feel like your brain is drained? Get inspired with these 25 tips for expanding your creative horizons.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Financial Goals for 2018?

Tell us about your financial goals for 2018 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Ways to Avoid Bank Fees While Traveling

Bank fees can put a serious damper on your travel budget. Put an end to them with these simple tips.

5 Amazing, Cheap Places to Live as an Expat

Looking for adventure overseas but don't know how to afford it? These five places welcome expats, and you may even fly home with more in savings.

Save on Groceries with Discount Grocery Stores

Looking to save even more on food? Try finding a bargain grocery store in your area, and get all the food your family needs for less.