Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Options if You're Underwater on Your Mortgage

Here are six options for people who are underwater on their mortgages.

11 Reasons Your Credit Card Application Was Denied — And What You Can Do About It

Denied! Find out why your credit application was rejected by the bank, and then take steps to tighten your finances, and improve your credit score.

5 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

It’s sooo tempting to succumb to distractions working from home — but don’t! Try these tricks for staying focused and on task.

The Benefits of Changing Your Routine

What's the secret to losing weight, getting more done, and feeling happier? One simple word — change.

How to Learn From Your Mistakes

To move forward in life, you must learn from your mistakes. Find out how to cut through ego, stop simply persevering, and start getting things right.

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When You Enroll in Medicare

It's easy to make mistakes when signing up for Medicare. Here's how you can avoid the big ones.

Green Switch for Green Savings

Did you know that even after turning everything off in your home, you are still paying for electricity consumption you may be unaware of? If you’re like me, that should get both th

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save On Summer Gear?

Tell us how you save on summer gear and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

25 Ways to Say Thanks

A sincere "thank you" can mean a lot — here are 25 wholehearted, creative, and frugal ways to make it happen.

12 Travel Perks You Didn't Know Your Credit Card Had

The credit card market is competitive, pushing purveyors of plastic payment to provide a plethora of perks. It pays to peruse your fine print!

5 Budget Destinations Where You Can Learn to Scuba Dive

Scuba diving can be an expensive hobby, but in these five destinations, you can explore the depths of the sea without busting your budget.

My 16 Favorite Ways to Get Rid of Clutter

Keep clutter out of your house — and out of a landfill — with one or more of these smart ways to keep your place tidy.

Best Money Tips: Easy Steps for a Greener Holiday Season

Today we found articles on ways to have a green holiday season, opportunities to save money in 2017, and simple but smart ways to improve your home security.

12 Smart Uses for Safety Pins

The humble safety pin can do more than just conceal clothing tears. Dig a couple out from the bottom of the drawer and put them to work!

7 Tips for Streamlining Your Shopping List

I have a long-standing dislike of grocery shopping. Pushing a cart around a store is not one of the ways I amuse myself. I've found that because of my attempts to get in and ou

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Flour Tortillas that Taste Great!

This easy recipe for homemade tortillas is fast, delicious and entirely gluten-free. The best part is, even your gluten-eating friends will enjoy them.

How to Prevent a Drunken Online Shopping Spree

Hangovers are bad enough without realizing you also spent all your money on things you don't need.

5 Everyday Words That Are Making You Look Stupid

Seriously, if you actually want to improve your social standing and status, work on eliminating these worn out words from your lexicon.

7 Ways Pride Is Keeping You Poor

Pride is not your friend. It can mess with your good judgment, and convince you to make terrible financial decisions.

10 Costs You Should Always Negotiate

Almost everything is negotiable, and these 10 everyday costs are no exception. Read this list and start paying less!