Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Travel?

Tell us how you save on holiday travel and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

9 Ways to Make an Extra $1,000 This Summer

Pad your pockets with an extra grand this summer, all with the help of an easy side gig.

Who Pays For the Bridesmaid Dresses When . . . ?

Figuring out who pays for the bridesmaids' dresses is tough, but depending on the situation, the rules are clear. Try this cheatsheet and good luck!

7 Money Leaks You Need to Plug

You're dumping cash out the window (sometimes literally) if you don't plug these money leaks ASAP.

Garden Ideas for Small Spaces

With a move on the horizon, from residential house to suburban apartment, I realize I can't forgo the garden.

Non-financial investments

Talk about investments and most people think stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, plus maybe real estate and commodities like precious metals. Let's call those "financial inve

Ask the Readers: Do Gift Cards Make a Good Gift?

What do you think? Are gift cards a cop-out or the perfect present for picky people? Do you find that they make the process of gifting easier? Would you prefer to receive one?

How to Return Items Through Your Credit Card If the Store Refuses

Credit card policies can get you a refund when the store refuses. Just be sure to read the fine print.

5 Checkout Line Tricks to Finish Shopping Faster

It's hard to get in and out of the grocery store when you're in a rush. But these tips will help you master that.

Technology Hacks for the International Traveler

Getting ready to travel abroad? Take your tech with you!

10 Fruits and Veggies That Stay Fresh a Month or Longer

Produce that perishes before meal prep wastes food and money. Go ahead and stock up on these crisper staples — they'll be ready when you are.

Eat These 6 Foods to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Worried about weight gain or indigestion on the road? Bring healthy foods with you and you'll be able to fully enjoy your travels.

Never Miss Free Ice Cream Again: Complete Calendar of Annual Free Stuff Days

Companies big and small celebrate holidays famous and obscure with freebies. Find out when and where to get yours.

How Job-Hoppers Can Keep Up With Their Retirement Savings

Job hopping is now the norm in the working world. Make sure to take your retirement savings along for the ride.

5 Unexpected Side Benefits of Your Side Hustle

Making extra money on the side isn't only about the extra money — find out about the other perks that come with a side job.

How Much Would It Cost to Actually Live Like a Queen for a Day?

You'd need awfully deep pockets to lead a lifestyle fit for a queen.

What Would It Take For You to Relocate for a Job?

Last year was a challenging year for American job seekers as corporations cut millions of jobs amidst the recession. This is why I was surprised to read that according to Challenge

Ask the Readers: Do You Shop Black Friday Deals?

Tell us whether you shop Black Friday deals and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Why is it so expensive to be healthy?

Walmart is where lower income consumers come to shop. Why? Because you get the most bang for your buck. Walmart is also notorious for having the fattest customers. Why? It comes ba

16 Ways to Host an Oktoberfest Party on the Cheap

Break out the dirndls and lederhosen — we've got your frugal, fun Oktoberfest party covered. Prōst!