Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Job Perks That Can Lead to a Dream Career

Looking to make more money? Don't forget to check out your company's available perks, first.

The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Tipping

How much should you tip your service providers during the holiday season? Wonder no more.

How to Keep Social Media From Ruining Your Vacation

We all want to take the perfect vacation selfie, but is it really worth ruining your trip?

Make Homemade Dog Food with your Slow-Cooker

Awhile back, I told you how we had gone the way of homemade dog food. It isn’t jus

9 Side Jobs for Athletic Types

Good news, athletes! You can get your fitness on while you make a little extra cash.

10 Ways to Cut Waste When Feeding Kids

You want your kids to eat well, but it can be disheartening when more of their food is wasted than eaten. Follow these strategies to help feed your kids, not the garbage can.

Is there a secret code to control traffic lights?

So, what's the deal — is there actually a code to change the crosswalk light?

How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo

Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.

11 Ways to Get the Most Value From Your All-Inclusive Vacation

You've paid for your trip, and now everything feels free. Make sure you take full advantage of that while you can.

Great Ways to Improve Your Resume Today

If you're applying for jobs, these quick and easy resume changes could make a big difference in whether or not you land an interview.

The High Cost of Pursuing Fame and Fortune

Who hasn't dreamed of achieving fame and fortune? Find out just how much of a long shot stardom really is.

5 Sobering Facts About Student Loan Debt

Higher education comes at a high cost. How much more debt can recent graduates bear?

5 Potluck Parties That Help You Share the Wealth

Having no money has never kept me from having a good time. Over the years I’ve developed several pot luck-style parties that are not only easy to tweak for just about any location

14 Gift Ideas for the Truly Broke

What can you give during the holidays when you're tumbleweed-rolling-in-your-wallet broke? Look to skills for inspiration.

Here's the Difference Between a Federal and Non-Federal Credit Union

You're thinking about joining a credit union. You've noticed some credit unions are federal, and some are state-chartered. What's the difference?

Best Money Tips: Go to College for Free

Today we found some stellar articles on going to college for free, tips to save on Thanksgiving airfare, and measuring career success.

The 6 Healthiest Grocery Stores

Grocery stores often try to trick you into making unhealthy — and costly — food choices. Shop at these stores for healthier marketing.

The 5 Best Electric Skillets

Whether you need extra cooking space or don't have an oven, an electric skillet can greatly improve your cooking experience.

How to Get Cash While Traveling Abroad

You're going to need cash when you travel abroad, but you don't need to pay all those fees and surcharges. Here's how.

How Reliving Past Money Mistakes Hurts Your Financial Future

We've all made money misjudgements in the past. Don't make another mistake reliving them in the present.